OJB "STRONG'S CONCORDANCE" . (This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching, confirmed in Rabbinic exegesis, see זרע זה מלך המשיח מדרש רבה
כג ה
BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, BE LIKE NA'AMAN AND HEAD FOR THE MIKVEH AND GET REAL LEV TAHOR LEVERAGE AGAINST HASATAN IN THE NAME OF HASHEM (ATIK YOMIN) AND THE ZOON FOON DER OYBERSHTER (BAR ENOSH) AND THE RUACH HAKODESH ADONOI ECHAD AND BECOME A MESHICHIST YID. And you don't have to buy the paperback; you can download the searchable e-book version including this and read it on your computer screen free-of-charge (you can also download free-of-charge another book that you can use as a commentary to get you into the Biblical languages and also intensely into each book of the Bible). But if you decide you DO want the paperback which also includes this translation as well as the other 39 books of the Bible, THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE YOUR CREDIT CARD JUST SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO AFII TO GET YOUR PAPERBACK COPY OF THE OJB CHECK OUT THE HOME PAGE OF ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL MESSIANIC BIBLE SOCIETY THE DAY OF G-D'S WRATH STOP EVERYTHING AND VIEW THIS NUMBER #1 GOOGLE RATED MESSIANIC VIDEO Why your soul's salvation hangs on the inerrancy of the Bible DO YOU KNOW THE DERECH HASHEM [REQUIRES LITERACY IN HEBREW]? ARE YOU DEPRESSED [THIS IS IN ENGLISH]? IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU Zephaniah (640-622) prophesied between the time of Isaiah and Jeremiah, roughly 626 B.C.E. near the time of Jeremiah's call to the office of prophet. Zephaniah's preaching helped (with Jeremiah's) to spark King Josiah's revival (621 B.C.E.--see II Kings ch 23) after the wicked reigns of Manassah and his son Amon had left the people of Judah in need of a spiritual awakening. Zephaniah may have been a great, great grandson of Hezekiah King of Judah (1:1). We know he prophesied before Ninevah was destroyed in 612 B.C.E. (see 2:13). Mankind is in danger of being swept off the face of the earth (1:2-3). Backsliders, if they don't repent, will be destroyed (see 1:6). For the great, dark, terrifying Day of the L-rd is karov (near--1:7,l5-16) and hastening fast (1:14). The superstitious (1:9) and those syncretists who try to mix the faith with Canaanite, Ammonite, and Assyrian religion (1:4-5) will be destroyed, as will the complacent, too indifferent to trouble themselves making inquiry of the L-rd (see Zeph. 1:12 and II Shimon Kefa 3:3-4). Money won't save anyone on that day, when G-d will make a full and terrible end of sinners, and distress will fall on all living (1:17-18). In view of this Day of divine wrath so imminently approaching, believers should repent of pride, humble themselves (2:3), seek righteousness, seek the L-rd, through whom one may perhaps "be hidden on the day of the L-rd's wrath" (2:3). A revival is shown to be gathering together in one accord, in a spirit of humility, to seek the L-rd (2:1-3). Notice that the L-rd will not be hidden on the Day of the L-rd, but the believers may be hidden, hidden, that is, from G-d's wrath. Elijah's rapture was almost hidden from Elisha (II Kings 3:10). So G-d will in some way hide His people when He reverses their fortune. (2:7) and puts their oppressive enemies under their feet (2:9). The Nubians ("Cush") mentioned in Ezekiel 38 will also be plundered (2:12). The kohanim whose careless interpretation and teaching has "done violence to the Law", the officials, the judges, the prophets -- all the leaders in Jerusalem are shamelessly unafraid of the Day of the L-rd that is coming. Past destruction of evil cities like Sodom and Gommorah (2:9) does not phase Jerusalem, who is all the more eager to make all her deeds corrupt (3:1-7). Therefore, G-d will gather all nations and the whole earth will be consumed in fire (3:8). G-d is going to remove the proud and haughty and leave a remnant of humble and lowly people (3:11-12). Zephaniah was used to start a revival. What did he preach? First, he attacked the false g-ds his people worshipped (1:4-5), the sex-g-d (Baal) and the kohanim of their sex cult that the people revered more than the L-rd's true servants. Zephaniah also attacked the hypocrites who bowed publicly before the true G-d but worshipped a false G-d in secret (1:5). 1:6 hits the root evil--the unregenerate and desperately corrupt heart that does not seek the true G-d and will not bother with Him (1:6). Notice in 1:8-11 Zephaniah is not afraid to preach utter destruction will befall the political and commercial establishment of his day. This was a dangerous message for him. The perils of complacency are depicted in 1:12-13. Zephaniah rebuked a nation of indifferent nobodies who thought G-d powerless to interfere with the ephemeral little lives they were building for themselves through their brazenly sluggish disinterest in the Word of G-d. In 1:14-18 he graphically painted the horrors of the coming Day of the L-rd. Then, having stirred their fear of the L-rd, he called them to a spiritual change of heart in 2:1-3. Starting in 2:4, Zephaniah preached against the enemies of G-d in the west, the Philistines (2:4-7); the east, Moab and Ammon (2:8-11); the south, Nubia (2:12); the north, Assyria (2:13-15). Then he turned on the leaders of Judah, her ruthlessly cunning politicians, her bribe-hungry judges, her bragging preachers, her theologians who "do violence to the Law." Zephaniah declared that trouble is coming on the whole worthless brood (3:1-4)! G-d laments that after all of His destruction of the g-dless pagans, these religious people still haven't taken the hint and repented (3:6-7). Therefore, judgment will have to begin with them(3:8). The non-Jews will finally turn to the L-rd, according to 3:9-10, and Shliach Sha'ul sees them joining the righteous Jewish remnant in Romans 11. See 3:12. If G-d's judgment means destruction for the wicked, it also means vindication of the righteous who, refined by suffering, can render purer service (notice that a small Jewish remnant would be restored to G-d after the Babylonian capitivity--see 2:7). Here we see what G-d is preparing to do to Israel: that is, pour out his wrath on the non-remnant while He hides His remnant or elect and spares them from his angry, righteous judgment (see 2:3). Notice the promise of a great Gentile revival, and even of a "Pentecostal" transformation of a "deceitful tongue" of Judah (3:12) into "a pure speech" of the Gentiles (3:9). This heavenly "pure" speech was heard at Pentecost in Acts ch 2. ZEPHANIAH 3:9 "Then I will purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the L-rd and serve Him shoulder to shoulder." Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. NOW READ THE WHOLE MEGILLAH here and here and here See the ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE. SEE YESHUA IN AN AUTHENTIC ORTHODOX JEWISH MAHZOR THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE IS AN ENGLISH VERSION.READ ABOUT MEN THAT ARE MORE FREE AND RICHER THAN BILLIONAIRE BILL GATES. 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