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OJB "STRONG'S CONCORDANCE" . (This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching, confirmed in Rabbinic exegesis, see זרע זה מלך המשיח מדרש רבה
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BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, BE LIKE NA'AMAN AND HEAD FOR THE MIKVEH AND GET REAL LEV TAHOR LEVERAGE AGAINST HASATAN IN THE NAME OF HASHEM (ATIK YOMIN) AND THE ZOON FOON DER OYBERSHTER (BAR ENOSH) AND THE RUACH HAKODESH ADONOI ECHAD AND BECOME A MESHICHIST YID. And you don't have to buy the paperback; you can download the searchable e-book version including this and read it on your computer screen free-of-charge (you can also download free-of-charge another book that you can use as a commentary to get you into the Biblical languages and also intensely into each book of the Bible). But if you decide you DO want the paperback which also includes this translation as well as the other 39 books of the Bible, THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE YOUR CREDIT CARD JUST SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO AFII TO GET YOUR PAPERBACK COPY OF THE OJB CHECK OUT THE HOME PAGE OF ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL MESSIANIC BIBLE SOCIETY STOP EVERYTHING AND VIEW THIS NUMBER #1 GOOGLE RATED MESSIANIC VIDEO ARE YOU AN ANTI-MOSHIACH ACTIVIST? NO WONDER YOU ARE DEPRESSED!!! Why your soul's salvation hangs on the inerrancy of the Bible DO YOU KNOW THE DERECH HASHEM [REQUIRES LITERACY IN HEBREW]? ARE YOU DEPRESSED [THIS IS IN ENGLISH]? IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU Neither Edgar Allan Poe nor any other modern writer formulated the short story as we know it. It was invented by G-d long before. Ruth is a short story, though of course, its material is history and not fiction. Judges and Ruth are so different in tone that it is amazing that they take place during the same time period. In contrast to the murder and lust of Judges, there is the wonder of how much Ruth endeared herself to people who should have been strangers. A miracle quietly transpires in this story, and people who might have considered Ruth an enemy because of her Moabite ancestry, were instead drawn to her by the cords of G-d's love. Love is a wonderful thing. The story of Ruth is saying, look how G-d's love binds people together, with a bond that even death cannot sever, for G-d is the G-d of the living, and even the dead are not beyond his protective, loving hand. Look at Ruth's story. Ruth's husband Mahlon is dead, he left her no son, Naomi he left no grandchildren. Mahlon's property is languishing untilled in Bethlehem, and all seems hopelessly lost. Who can help her? Who can reclaim the land and bring a harvest of prosperity again? Who can redeem the dead? No one, it seems. The land has seen famine, the dead are gone. But is anything too hard for G-d? Read the story and watch G-d go into action! Watch him redeem the lost property and put the deed of ownership back into the name of the deceased. All right, you say, G-d can redeem the land perhaps. But can G-d redeem the dead? Can the dead live again? Can a corpse have a child? Again we ask, is anything too hard for the L-rd? Look at this true story, recorded in the annals of the history of King David! In this true story, the dead man's widow even conceives the dead man's child, giving us a foreglimpse of Isaiah's virgin in Isaiah 7:14! And what a child! The child that is on the way in this story is the Davidic King of Judah, even the Moshiach! Now, the story is saying, after all that, you, reader, should believe that G-d is the G-d of the living, who can redeem the world and the land and who can make alive even the dead. Ruth had neither a Jewish mother nor a Jewish father! But she has entered Ideal Israel (Y'shuron Yisroel, meaning "upright one or "law-upholding one", a poetic name for the true Israel of G-d --see Isaiah 44:2; Deut. 32:15; 33:26; 33:5) by faith alone (Gal. 2:15-21), by an individual choice to turn away from the former heathenish direction she was going and by making a personal decision to turn back and join the people of G-d and to take their G-d as her God in true teshuva (1:16-17). (Moab symbolizes for Naomi a heathenish neglect of G-d's people and G-d's House, because Bethlehem means "House of Bread," and she has felt the covenant curses of famine, death, and childlessness as a result of her moving in a heathenish direction that neglects G-d's House--Deut. 28:18, 21, 24). But Ruth has become a "supernatural Jew" through the new birth and has entered "Upright" Israel by what alone made her upright, that is, emunah (Hab. 2:4; Gen. 15:6; Psalm 106:31; Gal. 2:16), and Ruth has entered Upright Israel ahead of those who say they are Jews but are still spiritually uncircumcised, still heathen at heart, as Naomi seems to be until she comes back to Bethlehem and begins to see G-d bless one of the Gentiles, her daughter-in-law Ruth (contrast Ruth 1:15 and Ruth 2:20). Ruth's regenerated, circumcised heart made her part of the true circumcision, the true Israel of G-d, and we who are regenerated in the Brit Chadasha kehillah have also entered Israel with Ruth the Moabitess and with Rahab. The point that the story is leading to is how great G-d's blessing is on this Gentile woman--more than she could ever see in her lifetime. (G-d has also similarly blessed us more than we can see in our lifetime.) She became a direct ancestor of King David and, through him, Ruth became a direct ancestor of the promised Moshiach Himself! The irony of G-d's hand on Ruth's life is a theme of the story. His providential care for her, the way her footsteps are literally ordered by the L-rd (Psalm 37:23), the gracious way her faith is answered by his provision --these are all highlighted by the fact that she is an outsider, alone, a widow, a non-Jew, a foreigner, a member of the excluded, (cursed by the Law--Deut. 23:3) Moabite people, a pagan who had known only death and a false religion and was now poor and helpless in a strange land. G-d's special providential care toward those on their way to salvation is a theme of Ruth. Everywhere this Gentile widow turns, she is blessed, because she has been given a heart to bless G-d's people (Gen. 12:2). Just as she does not forget her mother-in-law, G-d does not abandon his chesed (covenant-keeping loving kindness) with Ruth and with the living and the dead (Ruth 2:20). G-d makes everything work together for good for Ruth, even a famine, even the death of her husband (Romans 8:28). G-d uses the famine in Israel to get Ruth's future mother-in-law Naomi to move from Bethlehem to where Ruth could meet her in Moab. G-d uses the death of her husband to free Ruth to begin a wonderful, spiritual pilgrimage. G-d, who withdraws the rain, now brings the early rain and the later rain to end the famine and bless the land with the harvest, which is a reward for covenant-obedience (Deut 28:4). But, here is where the wonder really begins. G-d leads the widows back to Bethlehem for a harvest greater than they could ever imagine, a world harvest led by the Moshiach Himself, the world Harvester "to whom the nations belong (Gen.49:10)." (Notice carefully the Goel redeemer son of Judah at the threshing floor in Ruth 3:2). The World Harvester, the Moshiach will be born there in Bethlehem a thousand years later (see Micah 5:2). G-d gives Ruth a strange and marvelous love. G-d gives Ruth a love for her mother-in-law and for the people of G-d. G-d gives her the courage to say good-bye to her heathen sister and to go to Israel with her mother-in-law. Then G-d brings her to a very special man, a man of substance, a man of destiny, the most wonderful husband she could ever have dreamed of, in fact a husband far beyond her imagination, an absolutely unique man of royal blood, the only man in the world who was Ruth's contemporary and was at the same time destined to become a direct ancestor of King David and of the Moshiach Yehoshua. And the wonder is that G-d led this Gentile woman Ruth to find favor in his sight and become related to him in holy covenant love. For this man (Boaz) from the Messianic tribe of Judah become Ruth's kinsman Go'el (redeemer), protecting the family, the dead as well as the living. This man from the tribe of the Moshiach married Ruth and redeemed (bought back) the land of Ruth's dead husband and raised up an heir to carry the dead man's name. So the dead man's inheritance was not wiped out. G-d is the G-d who saves the living and the dead through a Redeemer from the tribe of Judah. Here it is important to remember that APOLUTROSEOS or HAPEDUT (redemption) as in Romans 3:24 means release on payment of ransom. Had Moshiach Yehoshua not paid the ransom of his blood as our Go'el (redeemer) we could never have been bought back from sin and death and judgment. Our plight would have been more hopeless than Ruth and Naomi, these two tragic ALMANOT (widows). In the Bible, G-d is also the protector of ALMANOT. In Bible times, a woman without the covering of a husband was in danger of exploitation or of sexual molestation or even being carried off. Because of our sin nature and our sin practices, we were carried off and on the slave market auction block of sin. We needed a redeemer to buy us back. Moshiach Yehoshua is rich and can do that because Moshiach Yehoshua is not in debt to HaSatan. Moshiach Yehoshua has no sin nature and no sin practices. If we humble ourselves like a poor widow and turn to him to redeem us, he will put the wings of his garment over us and protect us from all hurt and loss. Moshiach Yehoshua will be to us what Boaz was to Ruth and Naomi. This book of the Bible is extremely important because it shows the tribe of Judah and a coming redeemer of the Jews and Gentiles, the Moshiach, who will fulfill Gen. 49:10. The secret of Ruth's blessing was her faithfulness. She remained where G-d placed her. She refused to leave her mother-in-law, she remained with her in life and refused to leave her in death (1:16-18). Ruth remained faithfully where G-d placed her. She remained in Boaz's field. Boaz said, "Stay with my workers until they finish harvesting all my grain" (2:21) and she obeyed him. Ruth didn't go to the field of someone else where she might have been harmed (2:22). The passage says "she stayed close to the servant girls of Boaz to glean until the barley and wheat harvests were finished. And she lived with her mother-in-law" Naomi (2:23). Ruth remained with the people of G-d, and she kept her heart loyal to her L-rd and His people. She is a chayil isha "noble woman" (see Ruth 3:11; compare same exact words in Prov. 31:10). Notice how G-d leads Ruth out of her heathen past into a future place of blessing with G-d's people. G-d leads her to just the right field, one that G-d can eternally redeem with new life and an abundant harvest, a field that will become Ruth's own, allotted for her before time ever was, her portion, signifying eternal life (see Romans 9:6-11). In the Bible, your land signifies your eternal inheritance in G-d, your allotted portion forever. There are two kinds of people in the world! Those who despise their birthright of Chayyei Olam (Eternal Life) and neglect the House of G-d, and those who love the people of G-d and the courts of G-d's Beis Hamikdash. There's no redemption, no redeemer, no hope for the land or the dead in "Moab." Notice, on this field of the Redeemer of Judah, G-d gives Ruth true Menucha (security--1:9; 3:1). He sustains Ruth with food and a home and a husband and even makes her the great grandmother of the great King (see Ruth 4:21-22). Judges 21:17 says that marriage was given to get an heir to avoid extinction, to avoid being wiped out. But the ultimate heir that Ruth will be given is the Moshiach, the One that will burst out of the grave and wipe out death itself. Those with heathen hearts are still back in Moab. Ruth has come to the Promised Land and she has had her heathen heart cleansed and reborn in G-d's love, and she has come to hope in the G-d who raises the dead. Her hope has cleansed her, too, as it says, "every man who hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as He is pure (I Yochanan 3:3)." Then Ruth, who was humble enough to do any chore, any task, no matter how menial--so great was her love for G-d's people--then Ruth faithfully abides in G-d's love, and G-d makes Ruth's name great. And in the story, all this providential blessing is introduced so subtly that the reader barely see it as he reads. Yet at the end of the story, G-d's grace becomes overwhelmingly wonderful, just as when the believer reflects on the providential care of the L-rd on his own life. Like Ruth, we find that G-d was subtly blessing us all along, even before we knew him. When going to the Jewish people, it is essential to identify with them as Ruth did. When a Jewish person asks you about your faith, if your deeds and your lips say, "My faith is Jewish. These are my people," your sincere love and seriousness will get a definite reaction from the Jewish people, as it did for Ruth. The Go'el is introduced in the book of Ruth. Look at 3:9. The Go'el is the kinsman-redeemer who shows kindness to the living and to the dead, and redeems the inheritance of those who have died. This is what the Moshiach does, and Boaz, the son of Judah (Gen. 49:10) who takes the Gentile bride, is a picture of the Go'el Moshiach Yehoshua, who rose from the dead to redeem the Brit Chadasha kehillah. Naomi had to be made empty in order that G-d could lead her back to Him and fill her with blessing. There is a kind of chiasmus in the fact that the land of Israel is empty when Naomi goes out of it full, and the land is full when she comes back to it empty. She had to leave a place called Beit-Lechem ("House of Bread") and return marah ("bitter") to it. The name Naomi means "pleasant", but life's blows make her bitter until G-d starts to open her eyes as she sees a Gentile "daughter" blessing her and being blessed by G-d with Israel's blessings, a Rom. 10:19; 11:13-14 fact which provokes Naomi to jealousy to come back to G-d in her own heart. Only when things get as bad as they could be in a heathen land, and all of her loved ones were dying, only then did Naomi, bitter Naomi, turn around and repent of the heathen direction of her life, and start heading back to G-d's House and G-d's people. Then G-d blesses her through her return to G-d's people. It's important to remember that the child in the story, Obed, is called "Naomi's son." (See Ruth 4:17.) Naomi's unredeemed property has to be purchased and it belongs to her husband and her son Mahlon (both deceased) and the son Obed also belongs to them and to Naomi. The child would be known as Obed son of Mahlon son of Elimelech. The son would be Naomi's protector and the heir of the land, insuring that it would stay in the family. So G-d is making it evident to Naomi that He is redeeming her life because she has returned to him. This is a solemn warning to the backslider, but it has a loving expression in this beautiful little book. Ruth 3:12 Though it is true that I am a kinsman-redeemer, there is a kinsman-redeemer nearer than I. [i.e. Moshiach] Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. NOW READ THE WHOLE MEGILLAH here and here and here and here and here and here See the ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE. SEE YESHUA IN AN AUTHENTIC ORTHODOX JEWISH MAHZOR THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE IS AN ENGLISH VERSION.READ ABOUT MEN THAT ARE MORE FREE AND RICHER THAN BILLIONAIRE BILL GATES. SEE YESHUA IN AN AUTHENTIC ORTHODOX JEWISH MAHZOR SEE OUR HEBREW BIBLES SEE OUR MESSIANIC RUSSIAN SCRIPTURE PAGE SEE OUR YIDDISH SCRIPTURE PAGE SEE OUR SPANISH SCRIPTURE PAGE SEE OUR LADINO SCRIPTURE PAGE SEE OUR FRENCH SCRIPTURE PAGE STUDY GREEK WITH US STUDY HEBREW WITH US FREE ONLINE CLASSES ATTEND BIBLE SCHOOL ONLINE VIEW A MEDIA BIBLE WHY YOU NEED TO FIND A SPIRITUAL HOME READ YIDDISH-ENGLISH BIBLE INTERLINEAR VISIT THE AFII HOME PAGE STUDY HEBREW IN A MESSIANIC YESHIVA STUDY THE LANGUAGE OF THE HELLENISTIC JEWISH SYNAGOGUE WITH US ACQUIRE FOR YOUR LIBRARY THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OR GET IT HERE