OJB "STRONG'S CONCORDANCE" . (This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching, confirmed in Rabbinic exegesis, see זרע זה מלך המשיח מדרש רבה
כג ה
BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, BE LIKE NA'AMAN AND HEAD FOR THE MIKVEH AND GET REAL LEV TAHOR LEVERAGE AGAINST HASATAN IN THE NAME OF HASHEM (ATIK YOMIN) AND THE ZOON FOON DER OYBERSHTER (BAR ENOSH) AND THE RUACH HAKODESH ADONOI ECHAD AND BECOME A MESHICHIST YID. And you don't have to buy the paperback; you can download the searchable e-book version including this and read it on your computer screen free-of-charge (you can also download free-of-charge another book that you can use as a commentary to get you into the Biblical languages and also intensely into each book of the Bible). But if you decide you DO want the paperback which also includes this translation as well as the other 39 books of the Bible, THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE YOUR CREDIT CARD JUST SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO AFII TO GET YOUR PAPERBACK COPY OF THE OJB CHECK OUT THE HOME PAGE OF ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL MESSIANIC BIBLE SOCIETY MOSHIACH'S LETTER THROUGH THE SHLIACH SHA'UL TO THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH IN ROME STOP EVERYTHING AND VIEW THIS NUMBER #1 GOOGLE RATED MESSIANIC VIDEO Why your soul's salvation hangs on the inerrancy of the Bible LOOK AT OUR AFII COMMENTARY ON ROMANS DO YOU KNOW THE DERECH HASHEM [REQUIRES LITERACY IN HEBREW]? ARE YOU DEPRESSED [THIS IS IN ENGLISH]? IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU MOSHIACH'S LETTER THROUGH THE SHLIACH SHA'UL TO THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH IN ROME It is C.E. 56/57 in Corinth, Greece. Shliach Sha'ul knows he may be killed shortly in Jerusalem, but he feels compelled, especially for the sake of the Moshiach's Shul world-wide to risk the trip to Jerusalem anyway. Therefore, if he may never make it to Rome personally, as had been his ambition for many years, the next best thing to going there is to send a complete summmary of his Besuras Hageulah. A Greek-speaking deaconess from a nearby congregation named Phoebe, was on hand and willing to make the perilous journey to deliver the letter to the believers in Rome. Because we know that Aquila and Priscilla were in Ephesus around C.E. 55 (I Cor. 16:19) and in C.E. 65-68 (II Tim. 4:19), we do not know for sure whether Rom. 16 is intended for them in Ephesus (Phoebe stopping there along the way to Rome, delivering a copy of Romans to the Ephesians) or in Rome, though many scholars, perhaps lacking sufficient evidence, believe this couple is back in Rome where they originated (Acts 18:2). In any case, Shliach Sha'ul of course has no way of knowing that he himself will be in Rome in less than three years and as a prisoner. This happens just a little over four years before Nero has his famous fire set in Rome (C.E. 64) and then blames the Roman believers for it and starts his notorious persecution, in the course of which Shliach Sha'ul and Shliach Kefa are eventually martyred according to reliable tradition. Some of the things Shliach Sha'ul says in the letter to the Romans he has probably already said around eight or so years before when he wrote Galatians (compare Gal. 3:6-9 to Rom.4). However, when he wrote to the Galatians (probably from Antioch, Syria around C.E. 48/49 just prior the Acts 15 Jerusalem Council), Shliach Sha'ul was dealing with other matters. Galatians was very likely the earliest of his canonical epistles, and it had to be very polemical and self-defensive because Judaizers were preaching a false Besuras Hageulah and were calling Rav Sha'ul's status as a Shliach into question. Therefore, a calmer exposition of the Besuras Hageulah itself was needed, especially one that took a more comprehensive look at the Jews and Gentiles as heirs of Abraham, in view of the fact that Jews were already showing (in the more than twenty-five years since the resurrection of the Moshiach) an amazing resistance to the Besuras Hageulah, an unbelief that seemed to throw the veracity of the Tanakh's promises to them into question. In fact, their amazing unbelief seemed to throw doubt as well on the credibility of Moshiach Yehoshua as the Moshiach of Israel and even on the salvation of Israel itself. Shliach Sha'ul had to explain all of this in terms of the Shluchim's authoritative Besuras Hageulah he preached in all the Brit Chadasha kehillot. Since some Gentiles were beginning to lose patience with the Jews because of the persecutions caused by unbelieving Jews in the synagogues, Rav Sha'ul needed to explain the fidelity of G-d, the wrath of G-d, His righteousness as an unearnable gift, His awesome election, and the need, therefore, to fear G-d in utter humility rather than get proud and arrogant against those of the Jewish people who were unbelieving. For Rav Sha'ul's Besuras Hageulah proclaims that salvation is a work that is G-d's work from first to last. The call of G-d's unmerited favor, the mercy of his forgiving love, the gift of aquittal and righteous status before his judgment throne, his regenerating us by calling a new creation forth out of nothing (see Rom. 4:17; 9:7-8), all this--in short, the Besuras Hageulah --springs from G-d alone, disclosed to us in Abraham's faith (Gn. 15:6; Rom. 4:3,9,20-22), and revealed to us through saving faith alone (Rom. 3:21-31). G-d's salvation is the work of G-d and not of man and is altogether by emunah (faith) (Rom. 1:17; 3:28). Romans 9:11-12 argues that G-d's salvation is a work solely of G-d that leaves man with nothing to boast in. G-d's purpose in alerting Rebecca that Jacob was chosen beforehand and selected as a "vessel of mercy was to show that the basis of salvation is unmerited favor rather than by "works of the law" (mitzvot or ma'asim), which is a rabbinic expression. Works of the law were not mere self-selected good deeds or acts of charity but were the statutory works (supposedly 613 commandments by a later count), the doing of which legalists among the Jews assumed would fulfill the law and become the basis for justification and salvation (see Rom. 9:31-33). Apparently this was Rav Sha'ul's "Besuras Hageulah" when he was Saul the the persecutor (Phil. 3:2-9) before he was regenerated on the Damascus Road and made into a new creation as a gracious act of the One who was his enemy. Rav Sha'ul's salvation and acquired righteous status before G-d's judgment throne was completely apart from any priniciple of deserts, wages, reward, debt, or obligation placed on G-d by human effort (Rom. 3:28; 4:2-8) since Rav Sha'ul was a culpable persecutor with a blind heart and a darkened understanding. Legalistic religious merit-earning is impossible anyway, for no one will be justified (acquited of guilt and pronounced righteous) by deeds prescribed by the law (Rom. 3:20-21) for the law only increases the knowledge of sin (3:20). Romans 9:11-12 says that we are not saved by works but because of Him who calls us. However, Col. 3:12 says, "As G-d's chosen ones, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience." So G-d's call and election does require a human response (II Shimon Kefa 1:10; Phil. 2:12), and man is responsible before G-d for his own decisions. The Jacobs of the world may have been chosen, but the Esaus of the world did sell their birthright, "which is also what they were destined for" (I Shimon Kefa 2:8). Therefore, Esau could not say to G-d, "Why have you made me thus" (Rom. 9:20)? The Pharisees did "reject G-d's purpose for themselves" (Luke 1:30) so G-d's gracious invitation is not irresistible. Remember the rich young ruler? G-d desires everyone to be saved (I Tim. 2:4) and takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ez. 33:11). Nevertheless, if anyone is puffed up and thinks he is something because he has come to salvation, through faith, let him be humbled in the fact that "as many as had been destined or ordained (tasso meaning belong to, be ordered among) for Chayyei Olam (Eternal Life) became believers" (Acts 13:48). A man's salvation is not his own doing, it is all of G-d (Yochanan 1:13; Rom. 8:29-30) and all of grace (Eph. 2:8-9). Rom. 8:30 speaks of G-d's calling us, his summons to us. It also speaks about his deciding beforehand (proorizo, to meaning to predestine) which has to do with the eternal divine determination of salvation. (See Ps. 139:16; Jer. 1:5; Gal. 1:15; Eph. 1:4-5; I Th. 5:9; II Th. 2:13; Rev.l3:8; 17:8; Yochanan 6:44; Rom. 11:5). This doctrine should not lead us to boast against those who lack faith, but rather to fear (Rom. 11:18-21) and examine ourselves to see if our faith is real and alive and active in love. True faith will compel us to witness, even if our witnessing makes us suffer for the sake of the elect (Col. 1:24; II Tim. 2:10), since how can they believe without a witness (Rom. 10:14)? This doctrine should not lead us into libertinism and lethargy, since these very g-dless sins would themselves throw our salvation into question (I Cor.6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Mt. 24:42-51). Shliach Sha'ul begins his Besuras Hageulah by placing everyone in the world, Jews and Gentiles alike, guilty and condemned already before the divine bar of justice--without excuse (anapologetous, 1:20; 2:1). Shliach Sha'ul declares that the Creator in his creation is rationally knowable, capable of being known (gnoston 1:19) because his eternal power and divine nature shine forth to the eye of reason (noeo to understand, 1:20) from His creation of the cosmos (1:20). Moreover, man has an intuitive moral awareness, not written down at the hand of Moses, but a nomos agrafos, an unwritten law written on the heart. G-d has not left himself without a witness of his will, because the existence of this G-d-given moral law written on the heart is attested by the law-regulated conduct of Gentile nations who don't possess the law of Moses, and is also attested by the conscience, and by the accusing or excusing thoughts of man (2:14-15). Therefore, mankind knows he is worthy of death (1:32) when he refuses the Creator the thanksgiving and service which is His due (1:21) and instead knowingly (1:19,21, 28,32) affronts the divine majesty with idolatrous acts of vileness (1:21-32) in the bondage of the power of sin, even while he suppresses the truth in unrighteousness (1:18). The religious person is also under the power of sin (3:9). So anyone, even a Jew knowledgeble enough to teach the ethics of Torah, who condemns lesbians, homosexual offenders, and the whole array of evil-doers in ch. 1, sure that these evil-doers, and not he himself also, is lost--any religious person such as this--is condemning himself as well (2:1), because knowing the good and the proper thing to do is not enough. One must do the good (2:13, 25-27), something which is impossible for the aggregation of the old humanity fallen from its original glory (3:23), also impossible for anyone (3:9-23), Jew or Gentile, enslaved by the law of sin (7:23) unless the effecting will (7:18) of the new humanity in Moshiach Yehoshua the Moshiach is received from the Father by means of the Ruach Hakodesh in a new birth (6:4) from one humanity to the other (see chs. 5-7), with the result that the power of sin is broken (6:1-7:25). One must decide which cosmology to believe, Rav Sha'ul's or modern evolutionists. Shliach Sha'ul says that sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned (Rom. 5:12). Evolutionists say that the first hominids evolved over five million years ago in Africa and that one branch of hominids, called homo erectus, spread across the globe some time after 1.6 million years ago. Homo sapiens (the name given to the subspecies we think of as modern humans) is said to have come from Africa some time in the last 500,000 years. These scientists can't agree as to whether the Neanderthal brutes are evolutionary grandparents or only distant cousins of modern man. Of course, these kinds of speculations are presented with more dogmatic certainty than the evidence warrants. But the point is that in such an unscriptural cosmology "Adam" didn't exist, much less sin or introduce death. But if Shliach Sha'ul were wrong about the first Adam, how can we trust what he says about the second Adam? It is better to trust in the L-rd and not lean on one's own understanding. None of the fossil remains of subhuman or hominid species give infallible proof that these animals possessed a complex culture or complex language or moral awareness or awareness of G-d's glorious presence or any of the other characeristics of Biblical mankind as depicted in Genesis 2-3. And since the fossil record can by no means corroborate the speculations of evolutionary theory (the fossil record lacks transitional forms between the major kinds of living things), it is folly to put one's trust in fantasies that try to pose as scientific fact. However, since the Genesis account does not fix the exact antiquity of either the universe or mankind, we cannot be dogmatic about when the first man was created. However, we must be dogmatic that there was a first man and that he did fall from the goodness with which he was endowed at creation. Man did not accidently come into existence nor is he gratuitously evolving upward from the brute. Rather, in the Fall, man is devolving inexorably downward toward the brute, and the number of the Beast is 666 (Rev. 13:18). The watery grave of Moshiach's tevilah is described in ch. 6. Shliach Sha'ul says we must consider our old life of sin dead (a deed man can't sin) and our new life risen in the newness of our existence in the One who rose not only from the water but also from the grave. Shliach Sha'ul emphasizes here that since it is true that we are delivered from sin, we must act delivered (6:2). The Besuras Hageulah is that G-d has provided a way for faith to reach out and appropriate both release from condemnation (Rom. 8:l) and peace with G-d (Rom. 5:l). The law brings "knowledge of sin," provides an occasion for disobedience, causes sin to be "counted," and so results in death (3:20; 4:15; 5:12-14; 7:7-11) but the free gift of G-d is Chayyei Olam (Eternal Life) through Moshiach Yehoshua our L-rd (6:23). No less a prestigious scholar than Ernst Kasemann (who is by no means a Pentecostal) says in his exegetical commentary on Romans that 8:26 is referring to speaking in tongues (see p. 240-242, Commentary on Romans, Eerdmans, 1980). In chs 9-11, Shliach Sha'ul deals with the problem of Israel's unbelief, showing that a vast remnant of the Jewish people will at last believe, and that it is only because of their unbelief that G-d has dealt serverely with them. This should sober any "believer" who thinks he has a privileged religious status and can live any way he wants and "once saved always be saved." It was precisely this presumptuousness that led to Israel's mining out with G-d and Shliach Sha'ul specifically warns believers to avoid this error (11:23). Shliach Sha'ul had learned only too well that the proud religious Pharisee, certain of his election to the point of presumption, had better not trifle with a G-d who hardens or quickens whom He pleases according to His sovereign choice (9:6-29). The purpose of Moshiach's world shlichut is to provoke the Gentiles to faith and the Jews to jealousy, so that by the inclusion of the latter in the body of Moshiach will come the resurrection of the dead and the fulness of the new age (11:14-15). Therefore, a carnal hatred of Jews and Zionists rather than a zeal for their salvation is the attitude of someone so lost and in darkness that the very trigger of the new holy age, the salvation of the Jews, is totally lost sight of. Shliach Sha'ul concludes his letter by exhorting believers to excel in the graces of a believer and to know and use the spiritual gifts given, making real friends with the poor (ch. 12), being obedient to duly constituted civil authority (ch. 13), and showing mutual love and forbearance in regard to disputed items like unkosher food, wine, etc (14:1-15:13) for the sake of unity and the salvation of those for whom Moshiach Yehoshua died. An important theme in Romans has to do with the great peril of death threatening mankind, since death is not just a natural phenomenon but the wages of sin and the wrath of G-d that is revealed from heaven. It is impossible to preach with power the deliverance of Moshiach Yehoshua who rescues us from G-d's wrath/death sentence (I Thes. 1:10) unless one fully understand this theme. See Rom. 5:12,15-19; Rom. 1:18,32; Rom 2:5,8; 3:5; 4:15,25; 5:9-10,14,21; 6:2-5, 9-10,13,16,21,23; 7:4-5,10-11,,13, 24; 8:1-2,6,13,36,38; 9:22; 12:19 13:4; 14:7. It is the death of the Moshiach that absorbs the wrath against us and reconciles us to G-d (5:10) so that death is gain and to depart and be with Moshiach is far better (Phil. 1:21,23). Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. 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