OJB "STRONG'S CONCORDANCE" . (This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching, confirmed in Rabbinic exegesis, see זרע זה מלך המשיח מדרש רבה
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BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, BE LIKE NA'AMAN AND HEAD FOR THE MIKVEH AND GET REAL LEV TAHOR LEVERAGE AGAINST HASATAN IN THE NAME OF HASHEM (ATIK YOMIN) AND THE ZOON FOON DER OYBERSHTER (BAR ENOSH) AND THE RUACH HAKODESH ADONOI ECHAD AND BECOME A MESHICHIST YID. And you don't have to buy the paperback; you can download the searchable e-book version including this and read it on your computer screen free-of-charge (you can also download free-of-charge another book that you can use as a commentary to get you into the Biblical languages and also intensely into each book of the Bible). But if you decide you DO want the paperback which also includes this translation as well as the other 39 books of the Bible, THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE YOUR CREDIT CARD JUST SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO AFII TO GET YOUR PAPERBACK COPY OF THE OJB CHECK OUT THE HOME PAGE OF ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL MESSIANIC BIBLE SOCIETY MOSHIACH'S LETTER THROUGH THE SHLIACH SHA'UL TO THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH IN PHILIPPI STOP EVERYTHING AND VIEW THIS NUMBER #1 GOOGLE RATED MESSIANIC VIDEO Why your soul's salvation hangs on the inerrancy of the Bible DO YOU KNOW THE DERECH HASHEM [REQUIRES LITERACY IN HEBREW]? ARE YOU DEPRESSED [THIS IS IN ENGLISH]? IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU MOSHIACH'S LETTER THROUGH THE SHLIACH SHA'UL TO THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH IN PHILIPPI The place is probably Rome around C.E. 61. Here is a prisoner in a possible "death row" situation with the nerve-racking possibility that the Roman executioner will come bursting in and drag him off to his death by beheading at any moment. His co-worker has recently almost died as well (2:27). And yet, despite the precarious nature of this uncertain life-or-death situation, Rav Sha'ul is so filled with joy that he is bursting with it as he writes a "thank you note" for a love offering the Brit Chadasha kehillah at Philippi has sent him. Who but Yehoshua can give this kind of peace to us? It is not mere human bravery but the peace of G-d that transcends all understanding (4:7) Every cross-cultural minister has to send thank you notes from time to time. Often a fund-raising letter must be written as well. II Corinthians 8 and 9 should be studied as an excellent example of how to write a letter soliciting funds, while Philippians should be seen as a model of a thank you letter (which is also a powerful stimulus to further giving). Shliach Sha'ul had received regular support from this congregation (see 4:15 and II Cor. 11:8). One of the Philippians, Epaphroditus, had carried an offering to Rav Sha'ul from the Brit Chadasha kehillah and in the process had become ill and almost died, but was now recovered. From him Shliach Sha'ul learns about the divisions in the congregation focussing around two women who can't see eye to eye (4:2-3). 1:17-2:18 are aimed at that problem, since if the Philippians will contemplate the self- emptying humility of G-d the Word in the Incarnation, each will surely be able to empty his or her own self and work for Moshiach-minded unity in the congregation. The critique of "envy and rivalry in 1:15 may be an indirect message to the ladies as well. Shliach Sha'ul writes this letter to deal with that potential "Brit Chadasha kehillah-split" situation and to warn about the Judaizing legalists whom he calls the "mutilation" party, because they were the Jews who went about Rav Sha'ul's field of ministry insisting on circumcision and legalistic ritual and rule-keeping as the condition for one's being saved (see 3:2-11). What is the immediate source of Rav Sha'ul's joy as he writes this letter? He is filled with awe at how G-d has taken his adversities and his chains and made them a spotlight to get more and more of the palace guard and everyone else around the city to begin to see and notice the dying and suffering yet risen Moshiach that Shliach Sha'ul preaches! Also, Rav Sha'ul's fellow preachers in the city are starting to preach with more boldness, too, though some with a spirit of rivalry (possibly distancing themselves from Shliach Sha'ul as preachers outside of jail sometimes do toward preachers inside of jail). These latter anti-Rav Sha'ul preachers are operating from an angry and contentious and malevolent motivation, which usually happens when a few preachers in one city notice that one preacher (in this case Rav Sha'ul) is getting all the attention and they aren't. But Shliach Sha'ul doesn't care that these people want to hurt him with their attitude and thus add to his afflictions. He isn't thinking about himself (he's like Timothy--2:20-21). He is rejoicing that the Besuras Hageulah is going out in greater power. Shliach Sha'ul is looking on the good side of the picture instead of the bad (4:8). And he is not focussing on the human righteousness through religious works (3:9) of any preacher, including himself. Shliach Sha'ul is looking at the righteousness of the Moshiach. As far as his witness is concerned, Shliach Sha'ul knows that only by dying to self can he be in fellowship with the sufferings of Yehoshua. For Moshiach Yehoshua makes the power of his resurrection known only to those who are conformed to his righteous witness in death (3:10), to those who work out their salvation with fear and trembling (3:11; 2:12). Now Shliach Sha'ul turns a wrathful eye toward a scourge in the early Brit Chadasha kehillah that we will hear more about from II Shliach Kefa and Yehuda and Revelation. These are the libertines, those "followers of our Moshiach" who refuse any suffering or any denial of their sensual appetites and gross indulgences (which they think are their due as the liberty of a true believer). These are the drunkards and fornicators and wife-swappers and homosexuals and swindlers and thieves and adulterers and greedy businessmen and hate-filled causers of discord who claim to be "followers of our Moshiach" but are, as far as the Brit Chadasha kehillah is concerned, causing trouble within and a bad testimony without. Shliach Sha'ul has warned in several places that these people, if they don't repent of living this way, are going to hell (see Gal. 5:19-21; I Cor. 6:9-11; see also II Cor. 5:10; Gal. 6:7-9 about being judged according to deeds done "in the body."). Now Shliach Sha'ul deals with antinomians (lawless disciples) again in Phil. 3:17-21. They are enemies of the suffering of the Aitz of Moshiach that all believers must maintain a share in. Their true G-d is their appetite and this they serve religiously while making a false profession at Messianic worship services. Their destiny is destruction (3:19), because G-d, increasingly furious, isn't fooled by them. Those who aspire to leadership in G-d's house had better live like Rav Sha'ul (3:17) and make very certain that there is no libertine tendency in their lives. This is why one's G-d-given ability to control sexual appetite and abstain from liquor and materialism and greed and thievery and slander and immorality or unfaithfulness are all key qualities that a minister must have (see I Tim.3:2), and--if he doesn't--he'd better roll up his sleeves and go look for another profession. If G-d graciously calls you to his work, he will graciously give you the qualifications for the job. If he hasn't given them to you, don't apply. Not many should be teachers (Ya'akov 3:1). When Shliach Sha'ul speaks of Timothy as a son who faithfully serves his father in the Besuras Hageulah, he may be alluding to the kohen's father-son ministry formation we see in places like Lv. 8 where father and son are both ordained as kohanim and the son continues the ministry after the father's death. Philippians at a glance: Shliach Sha'ul exhorts the believers at Philippi and especially two feuding women members of the Brit Chadasha kehillah, Euodias and Syntyche, to become like Moshiach Yehoshua. These ladies must avoid being blameworthy on the Day of Moshiach (1:10). They must learn to agree in the L-rd (1:27) and to think the same thing in all humility (4:2; 1:27; 2:3,20) and peace (1:2; 4:7,9) without eris (strife, discord, contention) or eriteia (selfish ambition or rivalry--1:15-17; 2:3) or grumblings and arguments (2:14) and so preach the Besuras Hageulah purely, with pure motives (agnos 1:17). Look at Moshiach Yehoshua. He humbled himself and became obedient unto death. So must we become conformed (take on the same form, summorfizo) conformed to his death, as far as pride or self-seeking is concerned (2:6; compare 2:3), like Timothy (2:21-22) or "your shliach" Epaphroditus who risked his life and nearly died (2:27-30) or Shliach Sha'ul himself whose life is presently hanging in the balance (2:23) in a life or death struggle for the defense of Besuras Hageulah (1:12-13, 16, 29-30). By turning their back on their life in this world and by risking death for the Besuras Hageulah, these men are being conformed to Moshiach in his death. These are models (3:17) of what a minister or a ministry is (2:17,25,30; 4:18) and what all of us must press on to become (3:12-16) as we all do the same thing, which is to contend for and defend the Besuras Hageulah (1:7,16,27) with deep affection, compassion, high esteem, and sympathy for all who share or participate or become ministry partners in this same struggle and affliction (1:5,7-9, 16, 30:2:1,10; 4:14), including the necessary matter of giving and receiving (4:15,16-17) and the (spiritual) profit accumulating in one's (heavenly) account (4:17-18). In the face of all the sorrow of this dying, persecuting, anti-G-d world (2:27), let us take our minds off of earthly things (3:19)and let us look on the bright side (1:18; 3:20; 4:5,8,13) and rejoice (1:4,25; 2:17-l9,28-29; 3:1; 4:1,4,9). This is our safeguard (3:1). What is the bright side? Even the worst that can happen to Shliach Sha'ul is actually getting people in Nero's household saved! (See 4:22; 1:12-13.) And what else is the bright side? Think of it! Whatever happens turns out for our deliverance (1:19) since living is Moshiach and dying is gain (1:21), since what we've lost in this life for His sake is kenodocia vainglory (2:3) and profasis pretense (1:18) and skubalon refuse (3:8) but what we gain is far better, to go and be with Moshiach (1:23). Only let us live this life In a manner worthy of Moshiach, being courageous and fearless no matter what happens (1:14,20,28; 2:12; 4:6). Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. NOW READ THE WHOLE MEGILLAH here and here and here and here and here READ ONLINE THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE. ALSO SEE YESHUA IN AN AUTHENTIC ORTHODOX JEWISH MAHZOR THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE IS AN ENGLISH VERSION.READ ABOUT MEN THAT ARE MORE FREE AND RICHER THAN BILLIONAIRE BILL GATES. 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