OJB "STRONG'S CONCORDANCE" . (This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching, confirmed in Rabbinic exegesis, see זרע זה מלך המשיח מדרש רבה
כג ה
BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, BE LIKE NA'AMAN AND HEAD FOR THE MIKVEH AND GET REAL LEV TAHOR LEVERAGE AGAINST HASATAN IN THE NAME OF HASHEM (ATIK YOMIN) AND THE ZOON FOON DER OYBERSHTER (BAR ENOSH) AND THE RUACH HAKODESH ADONOI ECHAD AND BECOME A MESHICHIST YID. And you don't have to buy the paperback; you can download the searchable e-book version including this and read it on your computer screen free-of-charge (you can also download free-of-charge another book that you can use as a commentary to get you into the Biblical languages and also intensely into each book of the Bible). But if you decide you DO want the paperback which also includes this translation as well as the other 39 books of the Bible, THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE YOUR CREDIT CARD JUST SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO AFII TO GET YOUR PAPERBACK COPY OF THE OJB CHECK OUT THE HOME PAGE OF ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL MESSIANIC BIBLE SOCIETY WHO WILL BE RULER OVER ISRAEL STOP EVERYTHING AND VIEW THIS NUMBER #1 GOOGLE RATED MESSIANIC VIDEO Why your soul's salvation hangs on the inerrancy of the Bible DO YOU KNOW THE DERECH HASHEM [REQUIRES LITERACY IN HEBREW]? ARE YOU DEPRESSED [THIS IS IN ENGLISH]? IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU MICHOH (MICAH) After the Iran-Iraq war, Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, found himself short of cash. He had been extorting vast sums from Kuwait by means of military intimidation, but when the Kuwaiti government did not give him all that he demanded, he invaded and annexed the country in 1990, an act that started the Persian Gulf war. Similarly, in the 8th century, the Assyrian Empire (modern Iraq) was extracting "tribute" from both Israel and Judah. In 724 B.C. Hoshea, the last king of the northern kingdom of Israel, withheld tribute from Assyria and triggered an invasion. But II Kings 17:1-41 gives us G-d's perspective of these events, telling of the idolatry and stubborn g-dlessness of G-d's people and how these led to this terrible war. Micah was one of the prophets that G-d raised up to preach repentance to the people and to warn of the imminent divine judgment that would make itself felt in the Assyrian invasion. In fact, the 12 towns in southwest Judah named in Mic. 1:10-16 (with word plays on their names expressing their terrible fate) are in the path of the coming Assyrian invader. Micah's prophesy is especially relevant to our day. Just as in modern times, Assyria (modern Iraq) was Israel's primary enemy Micah's day. Micah was a contemporary of Isaiah, Hosea, and Amos. The L-rd showed this 8th century prophet (he probably ministered sometime roughly between 740 and 701 B.C.) what was going to happen to Samaria, the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel, and Jerusalem, Judah's southern capital. The L-rd warned Micah about the enemy army approaching as G-d's agent of judgment. Damascus was the capital of Aram (Syria). It fell to the Assyrians in 732 B.C. But G-d was already revealing to Micah that He "would make Samaria a pile of ruins in the open country" (1:6-7). The Assyrian invasion, which would threaten Jerusalem itself by 701 B.C., is seen in Mic.l:9 as an incurable wound spreading to "the very gate of the people, even to Jerusalem itself." Samaria was destroyed by the Assyrians in 722-721 B.C. Gath, a city of the Philistines, fell to the Assyrians in 711 B.C. Sennacherib's march from Lachish to Jerusalem in 701 B.C. is Micah's prophecy in 1:10-16. While Nancy Reagan used astrology to decide her husband's schedule, U.S. President Ronald Reagan spent some of his astrologically determined time making sure Iraq had American government approval to purchase huge quantities of weapons from other countries as well as secret arms sales to Iraq from the U.S. But during the Iran-Iraq war, nations that sold weapons to Iraq soon thereafter often found those same weapons being directed toward their own soldiers in the Persian Gulf War. These pro-Iraqi nations made the mistake of King Ahar. When faced with enemies and in need of militarily strong allies, Ahar king of Judah (735-715 B.C.), inspite of Isaiah's warnings in Isa. chs 7-8, looked to Assyria's military might for protection instead of almighty G-d and followed a pro-Assyrian policy in his defense against Syria and the Northern Kingdom. However, ultimately, this faithless and entangling policy of Ahaz led not only to the fall of Syria's capital Damascus (732 B.C.), but also to the captivity, exile, assimilation and national extinction of the northern kingdom of Israel. Worse yet, Judah itself never fully recovered from the political and religious "Pandora's Box" she opened when she refused the divine protection that comes with a national revival and instead unlatched the door to her treacherous ally Assyria. From 705 to 681 B.C. the Assyrian king was Sennacherib (pronounced in English "sen-AK-uhr-ib". This king is referred to in places like Isaiah 8:7-8; 36:1-37:38 and II Kings.) He is a type of the Anti-Moshiach, the final Enemy of Israel (see Micah 5:5, which says "the Assyrian will invade our land"). Not much has changed in 2700 years: the modern occupier of the land of Assyria is Iraq, still an enemy of Israel. In fact, both Assyria and Babylon lay within the borders of modern Iraq. The Assyrian Empire included, along with her other territories, what is today Iran, Iraq, and Syria (all Israel's enemies today). A Syrian (Antiochus Epiphanes) is seen as typical of the Anti-Moshiach in Dan. ch 8 and 11; and as Daniel prays against this beast, one of the demons wrestling against him is called the "prince of the Persian kingdom (Dan. l0:13)." Iran is often referred to as Persia in the Bible because the Assyrian Empire was defeated by the Babylonian Empire which was in turn defeated by the Persian Empire, and the Persian Empire was the former official name of Iran. It is worth noting that important enemies of Israel today are Shiite terrorists from Iran and Syrian-backed elements in Lebanon as well as the Iraqis; so little has changed since Micah and other of G-d's preachers prophesied the existence of these coming adversaries. Also the Philistines (their principle cities were Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, Gath (Mic. 1:10), and Gaza all located in the southern coastal area of Israel) are still the enemies of Israel in the persons who carry their name today, the Palestinians (Palaistinoi is a Greek name given to the descendants of the Philistines). Micah preached during the reign of Jotham king of Judah (750-732) and Ahaz king of Judah (735-715) and during part of the reign of Hezekiah (715-686). As a street preacher, Micah shocked his audience by walking around barefoot in a loincloth "naked" as if he were a slave (see 1:8) being taken hostage in warfare (see, similarly, also Isa. 20:2-6). Micah wanted to act out for his audience how their sins would soon cause them to be costumed. The dramatic way he was dressed as he preached made him act not only like a slave taken hostage but also like a mourner being dragged off as a prisoner. He was warning his generation that they were going to be bereaved of their children who would be going into exile as prisoners (1:16) and that they themselves would soon be defeated slaves and vassals and exiles. His lament is found in 1:8-16. Street preachers are needed now (with Micah's sorrow for the fate of sinners) who can pray for a revival--like Micah prays in 7:14-20. In the way they dress and act these modern day "Micahs" can warn of exactly how the children of our generation are being dragged off into destruction and into an exile of sin leading to judgment. These street maggid (preacher)s can call for repentance as they depict the "deadly blow" G-d is preparing for our wicked nation (see 1:9 where Micah speaks of Samaria's unhealable wound). Micah describes a degraded nation: a land of muggers (2:8), villainous landlords (2:9), clever urban land-grabbers stealing the farmers' property by means of nefarious schemes (2:3-5), false prophets (they preach for money and have no word from the Lord--contrast 3:5-7 with 3:8), bribe-taking judges and hireling kohanim (3:5-12) and impoverished, exploited children (2:9). Look what Micah says about dishonesty and cheating of any kind (6:11-16) In fact, any murderous nation guilty of millions of abortions yet unjustly and heartlessly refusing to "rescue those who are being taken away to death" (Prov. 24:11) is under the warning of Mic.2:3, where G-d says, "I am planning disaster for this natlon...you won't be able to save yourselves." The wealthy wicked who, like feeble innocuous preachers, had better stop resisting Micah's preaching (2:1-11) or their wealth will be lost in the coming catastrophic end of the nation. Just as the land-grabbing greedy businessmen had evicted the widow and the poor children of Israel, so G-d will now evict them and they will leave their rich estates and go into destruction in the Exile (see Mic. 2:10). As for the preachers who preach for money, the things that will safely keep them on the payroll of their corrupt constituencies will also lead to G-d not at all confirming their prophecies as true and their preaching as worthy (Mic. 3:5-7). Look at Mic. 5:12. Certainly, the occult and new age religion will not save us from G-d's judgment on a thieving, violent nation of heathen idolators and liars. The astrologers and fortune tellers are a common sight today, even operating from sidewalk tables. Micah preaches against both sorcerers and soothsayers in 5:12, which will "be destroyed" on "that day" (5:10). A soothsayer was a person who used occult powers to foretell events. This is also called divination. (See Deut. 18:10-14.) Sorcery or witchcraft is the attempt to use the power of the devil to curse or cast a spell on a person or do magic. Necromancy is calling up the dead, or the occult belief in such, especially as a means of fortune telling. The witch at Endor in I Samuel 28 told Saul's fortune by means of a "familiar spirit"--that is, a demon that served her and worked with her on an on-going "familiar" basis. For a sample of how the Bible opposes all this, see: Isa. 8:19; 44:25; 47:12-15; Acts 8:9-24; 13:6-11; 19:13-20; Rev. 21:8; 22:15. Fortune tellers are like the false prophets and lying religious leaders that Micah refers to in 3:5,11, because they also prostitute and pervert religion for money. Samaria was the apostate capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. She was marked for destruction. She had helped turn the holy faith of Israel into Baal worship, a fertility cult which promised rains and harvests by means of an orgy of religious prostitution. The money from religious brothels had been melted down to make idols, and Mic. 1:7 seems to say that invading soldiers will demolish Samaria's syncretistic religion and carry away her filthy idols. Hosea and Micah are preaching against Baal worship's fertility cult prostitution (see also Judg. 8:22; Ezek. 16). Baal was a nature g-d or weather g-d associated with thunderstorms as in I Kings 17:1-18:46 (notice I Kings 18:45 where the thunderstorm comes from the G-d of Israel, not Baal, whose proponents have been defeated by Elijah). Baal was a fertility g-d or sex cult g-d whose worship involved erotic acts and public immorality (much like today's prostitution, soft and hard porn movies, video stores, pornographic literature, massage parlors, gay bars and sex clubs, etc). Baal worship was apparently based on imitative magic: that is, magic that attempts to control the universe by mimicking the desired event. If one wants Baal, the prodigious lover and fertile bringer of rain and harvests, to "ride the clouds" to his consort Asherah (Judg. 3:7) so that one's barley harvest will be abundant, then one worships Baal by visiting a cult prostitute and engaging in ritual fornication. This is the rationale of imitative magic behind the demonic worship of Baal, and this is also the background of Micah 1:7, where Samaria, the capital of the northern kingdom and a fountainhead of this pagan religious wickedness, is marked out for destruction. The Asherah poles in 5:14 are Asherah Idols. But notice Micah's message in Mic.l:2-7, "The L-rd is coming?" Why? Because of the sins of the people, because of the idolatry of Samaria (1:5-7), and this explains the coming desolation and devastation. The parousia comes down in an anticipatory way with the arrival of Assyrian enemy troops at the gates of Jerusalem in 701 B.C. (see Mic. 1:12). If any nation thinks that pornography will not be judged by the L-rd with violent judgment, that nation should look at Samaria and heed the warning of Mic. 1:2-9. Micah shows evidence of containing material that was preached on many different occasions and over a number of years, but was compiled by Micah and arranged in an artistic poetic book to be preserved and published. Each of us should have a preaching Bible and a journal or notebook to preserve the study notes and insights that G-d gives us so that we can refine them and use them in ministry at the proper time. Notice how unpopular Micah's preaching was (2:6,11) in contrast to the false prophets (3:11). Nevertheless, it is precisely because of these lying preachers that Jerusalem will be destroyed by the Babylonians (3:12; 4:10), and "you will go to Babylon. But you will be saved from that place. The L-rd will go there and take you back from your enemies" (4:10). Micah's words were fulfilled in the first Babylonian deportation (605 B.C.), the second Babylonian deportation (597 B.C.) and the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem (586 B.C.) and in the return of the Jews from exile in 538 B.C. at the order of Cyrus King of Persia. G-d's Spirit filled Micah with power to preach justice and an uncompromised message (3:8), including the prophecy (5:2) regarding the birth of the Moshiach, the ideal Moshel (ruler) of Israel who will come forth "to Me," and whose "goings forth" are from mikedem "olden time," even "from the days of eternity" mimei olam (see Prov. 8:23 meOlam "from eternity;" Gen 3:22 l'Olam) "and live forever;" Ps. 90:2 umeolame ad olam "from everlasting to everlasting You are G-d;" therefore, since, according to Mal. 3:1, the Moshiach is the L-rd, we should hardly be surprised if "His origin is from forever". Notice also that Mic. 5:1 says that the Moshiach, like a helpless shopfet Judge, will be insulted by a slap in the face (5:1). Although Assyria is said to invade Israel (5:5-6), Israel will ultimately defeat this enemy (see 5:6), just as the United States did on Purim, 1991, for Israel's sake in a miraculous answer to prayer. This land of Assyria/Babylon/Iraq is called the "land of Nimrod" because Nimrod the warrior had his kingdom located in that area (Gen. 10:8-11). The remnant is scattered by G-d among the nations but will overcome and prevail, though these survivors will in the process be punished for their sins (5:8-15). Mic. 6:5 says to remember the saving acts of the L-rd, in particular alluding to Joshua 3:15 where the Jordan river parts like the Red Sea when it is crossed as Joshua leads the children of Israel in to take the promised land. Memory verse: Micah 6:8 (see Deut. 10:12). Remember to be kind! Study the great sermon found in 6:1-8. Well over a century before his words were fulfilled in 586 B.C., Micah announced the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Jerusalem Beis Hamikdash (3:12). Notice that Jerusalem is to be destroyed because of the sins of rulers, kohanim, and false prophets (3:11-12). For this great prophecy Micah was still remembered in the days of Jeremiah over a hundred years later (see Jer.26:l-19). Then in Micah 4:1-4, we see the Good News go forth and the nations destroy their war weapons and in faith gloriously stream in as Zion (Jerusalem) is finally exalted in triumph. Micah also predicted a time of tribulation is imminent for this decadent world (7:1-6) in the coming days of judgment in which a person's enemies will be members of his own family. Israel will be severely chastened but will be saved in the end (7:7-9) and her enemies will be destroyed (7:10). A modern day miracle, the return of the Jewish people from the dispersion is prophesied in 7:11-12. The message of hope in 2:12-15 is that a remnant will be restored. See also 4:1-5:15; 7:7-30. Everything that needs to be purged will be purged by the L-rd (5:10-15). The Moshiach will, according to Mic.5:3f, give up his people to Exile until the time when Israel gives birth again and the Moshiach's kindred return from Exile and sin to the people of Israel. Then the Moshiach shall stand as a shepherd-king like David, and shall feed His flock in the strength and majesty of the Name of the L-rd, and a millennial security will abide with Israel and the Moshiach shall be great to the ends of the earth (Mic.5:4). The end-time Assyrian invader (the latter day Saddam Hussein) shall find "seven shepherds and eight installed as rulers" (meaning a more-than-sufficient deterrent) able to defeat him and occupy his land and rescue Israel (Mic. 5:6), just as America proved able to do during the Persian Gulf War. The rest of chapter 5 seems to show the remnant of G-d ruling and reigning with a rod of iron during the millennium. MICAH 5:2 (1) But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are insignificant among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be Ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from days of eternity. Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. NOW READ THE WHOLE MEGILLAH here and here and here and here and here See the ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE. SEE YESHUA IN AN AUTHENTIC ORTHODOX JEWISH MAHZOR THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE IS AN ENGLISH VERSION.READ ABOUT MEN THAT ARE MORE FREE AND RICHER THAN BILLIONAIRE BILL GATES. 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