STOP EVERYTHING AND VIEW THIS NUMBER #1 GOOGLE RATED MESSIANIC VIDEO Why your soul's salvation hangs on the inerrancy of the Bible DO YOU KNOW THE DERECH HASHEM [REQUIRES LITERACY IN HEBREW]? ARE YOU DEPRESSED [THIS IS IN ENGLISH]? IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU THE BESURAS HAGEULAH ACCORDING TO LUKAS By the grace of G-d, Lukas (Luke) may have been the greatest emissary of Moshiach's shlichus (mission), physician and kiruv outreach minister of all time (as well as one of the greatest literary artists and most important historians who ever lived). Some scholars are now dating Luke's Besuras Hageulah earlier than once thought--that is, before Rav Sha'ul's second imprisonment, possibly even years earlier in the unpublished version used on Moshiach's shlichus (mission) travels. Acts could have been written as early as C.E. 63 (see notes on Acts), and the Besuras Hageulah of Luke would have been written before Acts. Reliable tradition says that Luke was a medical man from Antioch in Syria, where Shliach Sha'ul began his first Moshiach's shlichus (mission) journey. Luke went with Shliach Sha'ul and Silas at least from Troas to Philippi (Acts 16:10-12) and rejoined Shliach Sha'ul later to accompany him to Jerusalem (via Troas and Miletus), and to witness Rav Sha'ul's imprisonment in Caesarea and Rome. It is not improbable that Luke as we know it was fully written in the early 60's and that Luke-Acts was published as early as C.E. 63, only 33 years after the resurrection of Moshiach Yehoshua. As Rav Sha'ul's co-worker in ministry as early as C.E. 49, Luke probably had access to interview Miryam (see 2:19), Shliach Kefa, Yochanan, Ya'akov the brother of the L-rd, Philip (the kiruv outreach minister and one of the "seven") and many other early disciples and eye-witnesses of the ministry of Moshiach Yehoshua, eye-witnesses of the Resurrection, and eye-witnesses of the events of Pentecost and thereafter. Since Titus is not mentioned in Acts 20:4, it is possible that this reflects Luke's modesty and that Titus is Luke's brother. In the Besuras Hageulah of Luke we see a very human Moshiach Yehoshua, capable of surprise, compassion, friendship, and love of children. Here indeed with great vividness we see the people (look at little Zacchaeus in 19:10), the press of the crowds, the miracles, the rush of events, the long-awaited revival of the end of the age. Here an anointed historian is apparently giving us the fruit of actual interviews with eye-witnesses whose stories he carefully recorded in polished, eloquent Greek. And since Luke is not born Jewish, a key theme of undoubted personal meaning to Luke is G-d's love for the outcast and the idea of unworthiness (17:10; 18:9-14) and humility (3:8; 14:7-11; 17:10; 15:19; 18:9,14,17) with the balancing theme of praise (as opposed to ingratitude--17:11-19) and joy to be made worthy to join such a great host of Messianic witnesses. See 2:32 and 4:25-27; 7:9; 17:18 on the faith spreading beyond the boundaries of Israel into the Gentiles. Or see 7:36-50 where the repentant town prostitute is forgiven, but the cool, cunning, judgmental religious prude Shimon is left out in the cold. Luke's model of humility is Moshiach Yehoshua. Look at 8:56. What a divine humility! Only G-d Himself could be humble enough to quench His own praise to protect His own death on the Aitz! Luke's primary motivation for watchful prayer is to intercede that the unworthy "Shliach Kefa" within all of us won't be put to the acid test (22:40,60-62) where apostasy leads to perdition. In this case, one look from the L-rd is all it takes to know that we are all unworthy servants. The prophetess Anna is a positive model of watchful prayer, without which she might have missed what was happening in the Spirit around her and would not have been alert to witness the dedication of the baby Moshiach Yehoshua in the Beis Hamikdash (2:36-38). Those who say they don't see any place in the Bible where poverty is a noble thing have not read Luke's account of the sacrifice of the poor (2:24) and Yehoshua's foster father Yosef, a poor king's son (a direct descendent of King Dovid, insuring that Moshiach Yehoshua would be considered the same by Yosef's adopting him). In Luke's Besuras Hageulah we see that only prophets and demons knew who Moshiach Yehoshua really was, although even in childhood a clue is given in the fact that when Moshiach Yehoshua disappears he is discovered again "after three days" (Luke 2:46) alive in Jerusalem. In 3:3 Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva is pictured as a prophet. Prophets are interpreters of G-d's intentions. A real preacher must have this gift or otherwise he is just a religious lecturer. Today spiritual leaders, rather than full-time outreach ministers, generally are the ones who do Yochanan's tevilah of teshuva ministry because a tevilah requires a certain amount of pre- and post-tevilah instruction. Good overseas Brit Chadasha kehillah-planting workers have follow-up ministers in their teams whom they put together in classes with the new believers so that local congregations with their own spiritual leaders naturally spin off from itinerant outreach campaigns. Because 4:24 is true, the people in one's ministry team should be alerted that they are appreciated and highly esteemed. Dr. Luke studied Yehoshua's healing methods and so should we by carefully reading and re-reading this Besuras Hageulah. Some people are offended by Luke's picture of the Moshiach, saying Luke depicts him as a "healing G-d on two feet"--but Moshiach Yehoshua is the healing Word of G-d walking among us (Psalm 107:20; Yochanan 1:14). Because Luke was himself an emissary of Moshiach's shlichus (mission), we should especially look at Luke 10, where Moshiach Yehoshua sends out the seventy (seventy-two in some manuscripts). These disciples had a mission to fulfill--do we? Luke 10:3 says that the L-rd sent them. An emissary of Moshiach's shlichus (mission) is someone whom the L-rd sends on His mission. Notice he sends them two by two, not one by one (10:1). Who is your partner-in-mission to give your testimony of what G-d has done for you binding attestation on the journeys where G-d sends you? Look at 10:4. No extensive fund-raising mandate is given and no vast sums need to be stored up in order to set out. G-d himself is going to supply on the way without begging or hoarding. Ch. 10:5 speaks of the peace with G-d that comes with the knowledge of salvation from eternal torment. This peace is a gift to be received and it comes back to the one who gives it. How do we overcome Satan and live in this peace? By continually giving the word of our testimony in the holiness that comes with being under the blood of the Lamb (Rev. 12:11). Notice, if there are those who want to walk in this peace with you ("a son of peace"), you, if you are called to be an itinerant emissary of Moshiach's shlichus (mission), are to stay in their house (10:7) and let it become G-d's house and your base of operations, without flitting around in a double-minded way. Because you eat or drink whatever they give you (10:7) their hospitality is a provision of G-d. Do you tend to refuse the kindness of others? Do you tend to be dissatisfied with what you receive? Ch. 10:8 was a warning against seeking excessive reward. However, with or without a tent-making secular profession, you are in an excellent position from your G-d-given base of operations to lead those you bring to discipleship through Moshiach's tevilah into planting a financially self-supporting congregation. This should be the goal of the emissary of Moshiach's shlichus (mission) in all his itinerations. Ch. 10:9 commands, "Heal the sick," If you have a ministry, it has part of the curative treatment of the Kingdom of G-d in it. The resurrection is the Kingdom of G-d--9:27. Ch. 11:20 shows that a sign that the resurrection reign of the Kingdom of G-d is breaking into this age is the healing ministry. This means we should start with the felt needs and pains of the people and use these to manifest the love and mercy of G-d. Then help the people get "infected" against their unregenerate former life with a real innoculation of the Word of G-d and of the power of the Ruach Hakodesh. Then help them learn how to use the Bible as their own therapy system and help them experience how to live in the fruit and gifts of the Ruach Hakodesh. Moshiach Yehoshua had to deal publicly like this with the multitudes like a social worker and healer, presenting his dangerous message indirectly through parables in order to get past Hasatan and the lynch mob so he could sift out and train only 120 solid disciples and thus plant his first congregation in Jerusalem. Healing can encompass social, vocational, psychological, spiritual, marital and other kinds of ills. In this Besuras Hageulah, physical and spiritual healing is accompanied by preaching. Yet the word of G-d is also healing in itself (Ps. 107:20). Notice 10:10-12 says that we are to tell people the consequences of rejecting the Besuras Hageulah once we have given them an opportunity to receive the message and they reject it. Ch.l0:l6 says we are not to take rejection personally or be overly concerned about it since it may not be rejection of us at all, but rather of Moshiach Yehoshua himself. Ch. 21:8 warns of false prophets who will come using Yehoshua's name and yet making great claims for themselves. Notice that Luke 24:27 says that it is in the name of Yehoshua and absolutely no other that repentance for the forgiveness of sins is to be preached throughout the world. Mark 13:6 says such prophets will deceive many. Luke 21:8 says not to join the religionists of these false prophets,but to reject them just as they reject the true Yehoshua and the true Besuras Hageulah (see 11:23). Often such religions are controlled by legalists who have no heart for the living Word but rather reshape the faith into dead rules whereby they and no one else qualify for control and privilege, and those who have broken down under their hypocritical system they lack compassion to rescue (11:46,52). Look at 8:39 on witnessing. Start with people you know and tell them what G-d has done for you. Never get far away from the task of personal witness (12:8). We need to break every impossible, large task down into smaller, possible ones, as the L-rd demonstrates by his administrative hand in 9:14. We need to likewise start with the resources we have and then get others to help us, believing G-d to stretch everything miraculously to meet the need. Such faith will not be disappointed. Look at 9:23. The Aitz was a shameful thing that offended the onlookers and made them scornful. It was something that set one apart from the crowd. It was a burden only the Aitz-bearer himself could carry (Gal. 6:5). It was something that put the self to death and showed redemptive concern for one's enemies, interceding for their benefit. It was an act of love with a universal, divine dimension. What is your Aitz today? Are you staying in the race with it? Or have you set it aside? The religious people lacking an Aitz (the Pharisees etc) did not enter the Kingdom of G-d, but the sinners and religious outcasts, by means of faith bearing an Aitz, are seen to be pressing into the narrow door of true discipleship (Luke 16:16) in Luke's Besuras Hageulah. For an explanation of Miryam's mikveh after childbirth and then her period of uncleanness as far as the Sanctuary is concerned, see Lev.12:1f in Hertz's Pentateuch. The Great Physician is Yehoshua, the "beloved physician" is Luke, and the first and foremost shliach to be used in healing ministry is Shliach Kefa. We need to study these three physicians to learn about healing ministry. There are at least seven purposes for healing ministry given in the Besuras Hageulah of Luke. According to Luke (Col. 4:14) in his Besuras Hageulah, in the ministry of the L-rd's Body, the purpose of healing diseases and ordering demons to leave people is: 1) for a testimony to them" (the unredeemed)--5:l4; 2) as credentials to convince Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva and others that Moshiach Yehoshua is Ercomenos "The Coming One"--7:19,21; 3) for the purpose of spreading the logos (word) and assembling many crowds, "many crowds were assembling to listen and to be healed from their sicknesses--5:15. Notice it says that the people came to hear Moshiach Yehoshua but also to be cured from their diseases and to be healed of the (unclean spirits or demons) troubling them--6:l8; 4) for the purpose of making disciples and "in the Father" drawing more workers into the harvest (10:2) of kiruv outreach ministry: Besides the twelve, the itinerant ministry team of Moshiach Yehoshua travelling with him from village to village included "some women who had been healed from evil spirits and diseases, including Miryam the one called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out"--8:2. Some of these women were so filled with gratitude for the mercy the L-rd had shown them in their healing that these women actually helped fund the mission work so that the ministry could continue, "providing for them (Moshiach Yehoshua and the 12) from the possessions belonging to them"-- 8:3; 5) for the purpose of demonstrating that the time is short and the Kingdom of G-d has arrived and come dangerously, wonderfully near, in fact, it has come "upon you"--10:9; 11:20. This is so that people can see the turning of the ages, that the new wine" of the Ruach Hakodesh and His Gifts to us from the Father through the Son of G-d will be poured out in the dawning light of the New Holy Age: 6) so that people will glorify G-d (13:13); 7) so that people can have more assurance of the power and authority of the Son of Man to forgive our sins (5:23). The motive for healing people is compassion for lost, hurting, sheep without a shepherd who have been bound for a long time by Hasatan (13:16) and need to be loosed and set free. In order to have a small share in G-d's healing ministry, we need to believe G-d's word that we have been given dunamis (power) and exousia (authority) over all the demons and to heal diseases (9:1-2) and the ones having need of healing he (Moshiach Yehoshua) was curing--9:11. We need to rebuke high fevers (4:38) and command demons to come out (4:36) and look to G-d's mercy to cleanse the unclean (5:13). We need to pray with anaideia (persistence) (11:8) for at least four things in regard to healing ministry: 1) for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (11:13); 2) and for "the power of the L-rd was in him (Moshiach Yehoshua) to cure" (5:17); 3) and for "power from him (Moshiach Yehoshua) was going out and it was healing everyone" (6:19) who touched him; 4) for humility to rejoice not in the power that has been given to us (which leads to pride and presumption) but to rejoice that our names are written in heaven (10:20) and to seek not the acclaim of the crowds but "wilderness" solitude with the Heavenly Father for deeper prayer and communion with G-d to know his will (5:16). Moshiach Yehoshua says, "Your faith has healed/saved/rescued/ delivered you" sozo in the perfect tense, signifying completed action in the past with continuing results in the present (18:42). We are told of a G-dly centurion and his highly valued slave that was sick and close to death and how Moshiach Yehoshua healed him without even visiting him and the messengers returned to find the slave "being in good health" (7:10). Then the same word is used in III Yochanan 1:3: "Beloved, concerning all things I wish you to do well and "to be in good health,"even as it is well with your souls" We need to be willing to pray: O G-d, have mercy on me the sinner" (18:13). G-d also wants to heal this muteness we have, this lack of faith we have to speak in the Spirit (1:20). The angel of the L-rd tells Yochanan's father, "You will be silent and not able to speak because you did not believe." At the proper time your faith will loose your tongue and you will speak in the Spirit. If G-d heals us and we live, this is fruitful service for us (Phil. 1:25); but, if not, G-d works all things together for good (Rom. 8:28) and we depart and be with Moshiach, which is far better (Phil. 1:23). LUKE 1:2 ...the ones from (the) beginning (who were) eyewitnesses... Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. NOW READ THE WHOLE MEGILLAH here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and READ ONLINE THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE. ALSO SEE YESHUA IN AN AUTHENTIC ORTHODOX JEWISH MAHZOR THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE IS AN ENGLISH VERSION.READ ABOUT MEN THAT ARE MORE FREE AND RICHER THAN BILLIONAIRE BILL GATES. 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