OJB "STRONG'S CONCORDANCE" . (This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching, confirmed in Rabbinic exegesis, see זרע זה מלך המשיח מדרש רבה
כג ה
BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, BE LIKE NA'AMAN AND HEAD FOR THE MIKVEH AND GET REAL LEV TAHOR LEVERAGE AGAINST HASATAN IN THE NAME OF HASHEM (ATIK YOMIN) AND THE ZOON FOON DER OYBERSHTER (BAR ENOSH) AND THE RUACH HAKODESH ADONOI ECHAD AND BECOME A MESHICHIST YID. And you don't have to buy the paperback; you can download the searchable e-book version including this and read it on your computer screen free-of-charge (you can also download free-of-charge another book that you can use as a commentary to get you into the Biblical languages and also intensely into each book of the Bible). But if you decide you DO want the paperback which also includes this translation as well as the other 39 books of the Bible, THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE YOUR CREDIT CARD JUST SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO AFII TO GET YOUR PAPERBACK COPY OF THE OJB CHECK OUT THE HOME PAGE OF ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL MESSIANIC BIBLE SOCIETY MOSHIACH'S LETTER THROUGH THE SHLIACH YA'AKOV TO THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH STOP EVERYTHING AND VIEW THIS NUMBER #1 GOOGLE RATED MESSIANIC VIDEO Why your soul's salvation hangs on the inerrancy of the Bible DO YOU KNOW THE DERECH HASHEM [REQUIRES LITERACY IN HEBREW]? ARE YOU DEPRESSED [THIS IS IN ENGLISH]? IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU MOSHIACH'S LETTER THROUGH THE SHLIACH YA'AKOV TO THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH Like Shliach Sha'ul, Ya'akov did not believe that Yehoshua was the Moshiach until Yehoshua rose from the dead and appeared to him personally, calling him to be a Shliach (I Cor. 15:7; Mark 6:3; Yochanan 7:5). Ya'akov "the Just," as he was called, was one of the childen born naturally to Miryam through Yosef after the virgin gave birth to Moshiach Yehoshua. Reliable tradition says that Ya'akov was stoned to death in Jerusalem when Ananias, the newly appointed Jewish Kohen Gadol, apparently was so envious and felt so threatened by the vast authority of Ya'akov (whose high position as a leader of the Israel of G-d rivalled that of Ananias in the eyes of those Jewish people coming to faith in the Moshiach) that the Kohen Gadol convened the Sanhedrin or Jewish Supreme Court and brought Ya'akov before it on charges that led to his death in C.E. 62 (near the time Shliach Sha'ul was writing his prison epistles). This means that by the time Acts is written, Ya'akov is already a martyr. It is possible that Ya'akov is the first Brit Chadasha book published. C.E. 45 is a possible date for the writing of Ya'akov (the letter doesn't seem aware of the reception of the Gentiles by act of the Jerusalem Council, a burning issue after C.E. 50). Two prominent leaders have already been martyred, Stephen and the brother of Yochanan the Shliach, whose name was also Ya'akov (see Acts 7:59-60 and 12:1-2). The Jewish believers in Jerusalem are greatly impoverished by persecution and tribulation caused by ostracism from employment and harassment by the wealthy Jewish religious establishment, who had apparently tried to make it impossible for them to live in Jerusalem. In the early days of this Messianic Jewish community, many of the believers had given away everything they owned for the cause of the L-rd's work (Acts 4:32-37). However, a famine had recently struck them (see Acts 11:27-29) and added greatly to their suffering for the sake of the Besuras Hageulah. These early believers, then, were the "tribulation poor;" that is, those made poor by economic sanctions under an Anti-Moshiach type of government as opposed to the "slipshod poor" Shliach Sha'ul chastises in his epistles to the Brit Chadasha kehillah at Thessalonica. A law-abiding loyal Jew of the synagogue, whose teaching is grounded in the authority of his L-rd and Moshiach Yehoshu, Ya'akov saw that the self-imposed poverty of the Moshiach had made all the more pernicious the exclusivistic snobbery of the rich (Ya'akov 2:1-9) The new communities of believers springing up in Syrian Antioch and elsewhere would give Ya'akov a reason to send his sermon on to them in written form. One of the items that affects the dating of Ya'akov is the interpretation of Ya'akov 2:14-26. Is Ya'akov polemicizing against a garbled and misunderstood Rav Sha'ulinism (some such garbled Rav Sha'ulinism as is in Romans 3:8)? That is, is he not attacking Rav Sha'ul but a false teaching preached by others who slanderously attribute their doctrine to Shliach Sha'ul? Or is there a real doctrinal disagreement between Shliach Sha'ul and Ya'akov, with Galatians something of a reaction to the epistle of Ya'akov, both letters being published before the Jerusalem Council of C.E. 49/50? The former rather than the latter option seems to be true, as will become clear. There are at least two crucial passages to interpret in the book of Ya'akov. What does Ya'akov mean by "the perfect law of freedom" (1:25; 2:13)? The other crux interpretum (difficult passage in a text) is Ya'akov 2:24 and whether this is a contradiction of Rom. 3:28-29; Gal. 2:16; Titus 3:5. To answer the first question, we must ask whether Ya'akov means by "the perfect law of freedom" what Shliach Sha'ul means by "the torah of Moshiach" in Gal. 6:2 and I Cor. 9:21. In the royal (Messianic) law of love (Ya'akov 2:8; Mark 12:29-31; Deut. 6:4-5; Lev. 19:18), the "old commandment" of the Law of Moses, esp. the Ten Commandments, is divinely confirmed by Moshiach Yehoshua (Mark 10:17-22). It becomes a "new commandment" which, Yochanan says (I Yochanan 5:7-8), "is true in Him and in you. "With the life and teaching of the Moshiach as not only the Torah's fulfillment but also as its interpretative key, the Law of Moses becomes in Moshiach Yehoshua "the perfect, complete, fully developed (teleios) law of freedom," the Law of Moshiach (1:25). The Messianic Jews preached to by Ya'akov have more than the Ten Commandments; they have the Sermon on the Mount interpretation of these commandments, making the Torah the law of freedom (see Matt. 5:21-22, 27 etc). That is, these laws are taught in light of the Moshiach's new humanity and the Father's true intention toward humanity from the beginning, revealed in the Brit Chadasha by the Ruach Hakodesh. Now to return to the question of a contradiction between Ya'akov and Shliach Sha'ul. First of all, Ya'akov wrote his letter before Rav Sha'ul's letters, in fact before C.E. 49. Secondly, Ya'akov is not dealing with the issue of Gentiles entering the Messianic Jewish community; neither is Ya'akov dealing with the issue of Gentiles keeping works of the law in order to enter the Messianic Jewish faith. Rather, Ya'akov is talking about works of faith (see Ya'akov 2:21-26; I Thes. 1:3). Furthermore, Ya'akov is dealing with Jews (1:1; 2:2,19) who claim to follow the Moshiach but think they can do so by mere verbal, intellectual assent. These Jewish people want to define the Messianic faith in such a way that they need not feed the hungry or visit the oppressed or actualize their faith by any good deeds whatsoever. They believe in passive quietism and dead orthodoxy and empty confessionism. Ya'akov says this is no more true saving faith than that which is possessed by demons (2:19). Just as there is a demonic wisdom (3:15), so there is a demonic faith, mere quietistic head-nodding, a loveless parody of true faith, an impotent pseudo-trust that refuses to come truly alive and get active and go to work (2:20). This is not an outstanding problem that Shliach Sha'ul focuses on in his letters and therefore there is no disagreement in the writings of Shliach Sha'ul and Ya'akov. Ya'akov does not advocate salvation by works of the law. On the contrary, he says that the law exposes men as transgressors. There is agreement between Gal. 5:3 and Ya'akov 2:10 in the "all-or-nothing" demand of the law as the law acts as G-d's prosecutor of mankind, indicting Man as a transgressor. Only in Moshiach Yehoshua can it be said of the Law that mercy triumphs over judgment (2:12-13). There can be no doubt that Ya'akov preaches the same Besuras Hageulah as Shliach Sha'ul, for in Ya'akov 1:21, Ya'akov speaks of the implanted word that is able to save your soul, a reference to the Brit Chadasha Torah implant of Jeremiah 31:33. Ya'akov's allusion to the law of Lev. 19:18 as the "kingly law" must include a reference to the King Moshiach, which for Ya'akov is Yehoshua (Jas. 1:1). Like Shliach Sha'ul, Ya'akov knows that saving faith is not empty lip service or dead orthodoxy or confessionalism or quietism devoid of concrete acts of obedience but is active in love (see Ya'akov 2:14 and Gal. 5:6). Both Ya'akov and Shliach Sha'ul gain a hearing from unbelievers by displaying the fruit of the Spirit (see Ya'akov 3:l7-18 and Gal. 5:22-25), though Ya'akov and Shliach Sha'ul used different cultural strategies, Shliach Sha'ul putting himself outside the law though not outside the law of the Moshiach to win Gentiles, Ya'akov putting himself as if he were under the law to win law-observant Jews (I Cor. 9:19-23; Acts 21:20)!, though in fact he is under the kingly law of love (Ya'akov 2:8). Shliach Sha'ul would not dispute Ya'akov that we are set right with G-d and forgiven and considered just and righteous by works and not by faith alone (see Rom. 2:13 and Ya'akov 2:21) unless it can be shown that Ya'akov means by "works" not "faith active in love" (Gal 5:6) but meritorious works of the law--that is, works meritorious and salvific in themselves, apart from the death of Moshiach. For the latter to be true, Acts 15:19 would have to be judged a Lucan fiction since here Ya'akov is represented as acceding to Gentile liberation from the full yoke of the Torah, which obviously then is not necessary for salvation. Both Shliach Sha'ul and Ya'akov refer to the "work of faith," however. Compare (I Thes. 1:3) and (Ya'akov 2:18). Neither Shliach Sha'ul nor Ya'akov minimize the saving death of Moshiach by offering the law in itself as a means to salvation (Ya'akov 2:10; Gal. 3:10). Both men speak of the "torah of freedom" (Ya'akov 1:25; 2:12; I Cor. 9:21) in a way that implies the Moshiach (Ya'akov 2:1; Rom. 8:2), and Ya'akov, no less than Rav Sha'ul, emphasizes the need for faith (Ya'akov 1:3.6; 5:15), for love toward G-d (Ya'akov 1:12),and being born again (Ya'akov 1:21). Ya'akov begins his letter by exhorting the messianic Jewish brethren in the various "synagogues" (Ya'akov2:2) scattered abroad to remain joyful in their sufferings. Why? Because a mere intellectual faith (one that is not active in works of love) will not save them, nor will it endure (Ya'akov 2:14-26; 5:7-11). It is untested and based on an evil-minded self-confidence such as that shared by the rich (4:13-17), whose worldly, double-minded greed is dragging them down to hell (5:1-6). Mere intellectual faith is nothing more than evil-tongued lip service (2:26; 3:1-12) based on mere worldly wisdom (3:13-18) and indicates worldly class values imported into the Messianic community (2:1-13) which violate the commands of the Torah (and therefore the whole Torah --2:10-13). For the commands of the Torah favor the widow, the orphan, the foreigner, the Levite, and the righteous-but-oppressed (by the rich) poor. Will this kind of faith save you? No! True emunah (faith) must be tested by the fruit of its loving works and by endurance in the midst of sufferingas it is nourished through prayer by divine wisdom and through submission to G-d and His Word, and through the strengthening and healing of fellowship accountable to the body and its elders (see 1:5-8; 3:13-18; 5:13-20). This means resisting the Devil (4:7) and the evil impulse (1:14) yetzer ha-rah, that worldly desire within us which, if not put to death, can lead to bitterness toward G-d (1:13) and death (1:15). There is no wavering in G-d! The wavering is in us, in our succumbing to wrong desires, and in our tendency in religion toward empty confessionalism and prideful class discrimination. True faith serves the needy (1:27) instead of one's own greed for a better life (soon gone, anyway, like a mist), since the Lord's coming (as Judge!) is so close, he is at the very door. Biblical criticism (although textual criticism is indispensable) is largely condemned by Ya'akov 4:11, since in Biblical criticism scholars make it their business to judge the Word rather than be judged by it. In these introductory notes, we will not be stressing novel theories of authorship, editorial hands, proported errors, etc. The Word judges us, and not vice versa. Ya'akov 5:17 gives us the length of Elijah's tribulation which is a paradigm or model in Revelation for the length of the Great Tribulation. Since Elijah is raptured after this period, we should hesitate when people dogmatically assert that the rapture will precede the three and a half year period of the Great Tribulation. The more you read this epistle or letter, the more you get the picture of the poverty and persecution of early Messianic Judaism, which was Jewish through and through and, with a fervent love for the Torah, lacked the antinomian libertinism so prevalent in Gentile circles outside of Jerusalem. The close association with the themes of Matthew leads us to see both Matthew and Ya'akov as early and Jewish writings radiating from Jerusalem, though it is also possible Matthew wrote his Besuras Hageulah from Syrian Antioch. Ya'akov attacks the evil delusion of trusting in or boasting in riches (1:10-11) and irreligiously not bridling the tongue (1:26; 3:2-6), but instead being too quick to speak (1:19) and too quick also to try to seize the status of teacher (Jam. 3:1; Matt. 23:8). Ya'akov also exposes unsanctifled believers (4:8) and others who are double-mindedly faithless and untrustworthily double-tongued. Only the new birth (1:18) issuing in real sancitification (1:27) can tame the wildly evil tongue of the old nature (3:7-12). G-d is looking for a meekness from us (1:21; 3:13) which, leading to regeneration/spiritual conversion, is the only antidote against the poisonous tongue (3:8) of bitter jealousy and selfishness (3:14) and boasting and lying. Proud believers with unbridled tongues who are worldly and carnal get jealous of each other and fight each other with murderous hatred (4:1-6). Do not speak against one another, brothers (4:11). Do not murmur against one another (5:9) lest you be judged. Do not judge your neighbor (4:12) or take G-d's perogetive (4:12). Do not be so presumptuous (4:12-17). True faith must be tested in trials and temptations to sin (1:2-3), but G-d tempts no one to sin; rather each person is tempted to sin by his own lusts (1:13-15). True faith must "work" and produce endurance under trial (1:3-4; see also 2:14-18). True faith must work through acts of love (2:14-18; Gal. 5:6). The anger of man is not faith and does not "work" or produce the righteousness of G-d. One cannot really "do" the Word unless one has received the "implanted word" of the gospel (1:21-22) in the new birth--1:18. True faith works by showing real love to all. That is, true faith must abhor showing partiality (2:9) and favoritism toward the rich and against the poor, remembering the persecutions and blasphemies of the wicked rich (2:6-7) and their ironic poverty (1:10-11) as well as their ultimate eternally impoverished destiny (5:1-6). True faith works by going after the wandering sheep drifting off toward sin (5:19-20). True faith must be the basis of all prayer petitions for wisdom (1:6). True faith must be in the immutability of G-d (His changelessness) who gives all good gifts (1:16-17), including the gift of true wisdom (3:15-18) and the gift of the new birth (1:18,21; see also Eph. 1:5; Rom.12:2; I Cor. 4:15; Tit.3:5; I Shimon Kefa 1:3,23; Yochanan 1:13; 3:3-8; I Yochanan 3:9; 4:10). True faith must "work" in visitation ministry and "rescue work" for the poor and helpless. Religion and religious faith is worthless (2:14) if it does not issue in sanctification (see 1:27). The prayer of true faith will deliver the sick person (5:15). What is the source of joy in Ya'akov? See 1:1,2,12 in the Greek, remembering chairein means not just "greetings" but "be glad!" Ya'akov exhorts to be patient until the coming of the L-rd (5:7-8), remembering the out come of the patient endurance of Job and the prophets (5:10-11). Ya'akov, an explemplary Jew, nevertheless found it necessary to "come out from among" (II Cor.6:17) the rich, corrupt Jewish religious establishment of his day. Today, many modern Greeks, even though they are exemplary Greeks, may find it necessary to "come out from among" the Greek Orthodox Church. Many Greek Orthodox adherents ask departed saints to pray for them and they in turn pray for the departed saints. They actually pray for the dead. Miryam is venerated and preached and prayed to as Theotokos (Mother of G-d), Aeiparthenos (Ever-Virgin), and Panayia (All-Holy) and the Roman Catholic unbiblical dogma of her bodily assumption to heaven is also believed by the Greek Orthodox. The saints are venerated through icons. Infants are baptized and baptism is seen as some sort of regeneration, giving the impression to many adults who were baptized as infants that they are reborn when in fact many are not. One cannot be in good standing with this community unless it has blessed one's marriage, so right here is its powerful hold over the whole modern Greek society. Women cannot be ordained. The Bible is said to be a record of the truth but not truth itself, and the Greek Orthodox stand against Pentecostals and puts its own traditions and its own "apostolic succession" and "authoritative" interpretations and clerical offices above historical-grammatical exegesis and adherence to sola Scriptura. Notice that the trials Ya'akov refers to may be those caused by Herod Agrippa I (Acts 12). In any event these trials require patience (5:7-11) and meditation on the divine purpose of trials (1:1-4,12). Ironically, it is the rich who are engaged in this persecution of the brethren and blaspheming of the Lord's Name (see 2:6-7). No wonder the brethren are rebuked by Ya'akov for their sychophantic attitude toward the rich and their love of filthy lucre (see 4:13-5:6; 2:1-13). Ya'akov will not tolerate either their partiality or their argumentative nature or their hypocritical workless faith (3:1-18; 1:22-27; 2:14-26). Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. NOW READ THE WHOLE MEGILLAH here and here and here and here and here and here READ ONLINE THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE. ALSO SEE YESHUA IN AN AUTHENTIC ORTHODOX JEWISH MAHZOR THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE IS AN ENGLISH VERSION.READ ABOUT MEN THAT ARE MORE FREE AND RICHER THAN BILLIONAIRE BILL GATES. 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