OJB "STRONG'S CONCORDANCE" . (This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching, confirmed in Rabbinic exegesis, see זרע זה מלך המשיח מדרש רבה
כג ה
BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, BE LIKE NA'AMAN AND HEAD FOR THE MIKVEH AND GET REAL LEV TAHOR LEVERAGE AGAINST HASATAN IN THE NAME OF HASHEM (ATIK YOMIN) AND THE ZOON FOON DER OYBERSHTER (BAR ENOSH) AND THE RUACH HAKODESH ADONOI ECHAD AND BECOME A MESHICHIST YID. And you don't have to buy the paperback; you can download the searchable e-book version including this and read it on your computer screen free-of-charge (you can also download free-of-charge another book that you can use as a commentary to get you into the Biblical languages and also intensely into each book of the Bible). 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IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU MOSHIACH'S LETTER THROUGH THE SHLIACH SHA'UL TO THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH IN GALATIA The Brit Chadasha kehillot mentioned by Luke in Acts 13 and 14 lie within the Roman province of Galatia. If Shliach Sha'ul wrote his letter to the Galatians from Antioch, Syria around 48/49 subsequent to his first emissary of Moshiach's shlichut journey and just prior to the Jerusalem Council to resolve the Judaizing question, then this letter is Rav Sha'ul's first epistle and the following synchronization between Acts and Galatians is possible: Gal. 1:18-24 - Acts 9:23-30; II Cor. 11:32 (ca.C.E.35/36); Gal. 2:1-10 = Acts 11:30; 12:25 (C.E. 46) The reason, according to this chronology, that the extremely relevant Jerusalem Council decisions of Acts 15 are not mentioned in Rav Sha'ul's letter to the Galatians is that the Jerusalem Council has not yet convened when Rav Sha'ul's letter was written. Beginning with Acts 13:14 we read of certain peoples that Shliach Sha'ul and Barnabus reached out to in 47-48 C.E. in what is now modern Turkey. Then in Acts 15:1 we hear of certain Pharisees who were travelling around from Jerusalem and teaching that there was no salvation from Gehinnom without circumcision. Now Shliach Sha'ul was a Pharisee. He knew all about a legalistic religion based on merit and the notion that religious ritual and good works could lead one to salvation. Also he knew that to accept the burden of circumcision meant to take on the obligation of all the ceremonial and legal commands of Moses (Gal. 5:3). But on the road to Damascus, Shliach Sha'ul had received a different kind of circumcision. The downward pull of his old nature had been cut free and a living Law, Yehoshua the Word of G-d, had written himself on the tablets of Rav Sha'ul's heart by the Spirit of G-d. Now it was no longer the old, stoney-hearted, unregenerate Pharisee Saul who lives but the risen Moshiach Yehoshua who lives and reigns in Shliach Sha'ul (on the new creation, see Gal. 6:l4-l5; II Cor.3:18; 4:16; 5:17; 13:5). The Shliach had seen on the Damascus Road that the dead letter of the old legalistic religion could never create new spiritual life in him as Ha'Av had done through the risen Moshiach and the Ruach Hakodesh (see the formula for G-d as HaAv, HaBen, and HaRuach HaKodesh in II Cor. 13:13; cf. Mt. 28:19). Only the living Word Yehoshua the Moshiach could make Shliach Sha'ul into a new creation. Therefore, the proud legalist was now dead, and, as a new creation rabbi, could never preach mere legalisms again (Gal. 5:11) again. Now Shliach Sha'ul must preach only the Moshiach alive and able to forgive our sins and give us new spiritual life by his death and resurrection in our place. The message of Galatians clarifies the authentic Besuras Hageulah of the Moshiach. The ceremonies and specific legal rules G-d imposed on the Jews during the era of Law under Moses were never intended to eclipse the new Torah (teaching) meant to go into effect when the Moshiach came. The purpose of the Law of Moses was to be a pointer to sin and to the righteous way of Abraham: faith. The Law was not meant to distract the Jewish people from the teaching of the Moshiach when he came and ushered in the era of the Spirit, when all nations, not just the Jewish nation, were to be made students (disciples) of his Torah, his Messianic teaching. Those who had ears to hear Deuteronomy 18:18-19, Isaiah 42:4, and Jeremiah 31:31-34 could understand this. Shliach Sha'ul knew these Scripture: as a trained rabbi, but he had to be regenerated to understand them (I Cor. 2:14). When he was filled with the Holy Spirit and became a prophet, he was not ignorant of the signs of the times or of the proper interpretation of the Word of G-d. A new era had begun and the teaching of the Moshiach through his Shluchim must not take a back seat to the Law of Moses. If that happened, whatever eclipsed the true Besuras Hageulah, whatever ceremonies or religious rules were thrust forward to take preeminence over the Moshiach's message, whatever teachings might be set forth in competition to the Besuras Hageulah, would be the legalisms and teachings of a different Besuras Hageulah and would therefore be accursed, even if offered by an angel from heaven (1:8), even Gabriel himself. (Muslims should take note here.). Therefore, when certain Jewish legalists visited the Galatian congregations and taught these Gentiles that they had to get themselves circumcised and keep Jewish observances and rules to be saved, this poisonous heresy demanded the strongest possible antidote. Shliach Sha'ulis shocked, he writes, that they are so quickly changing to another Besuras Hageulah, which isn't a Besuras Hageulah at all and there will be hell to pay for its perpetrators (1:6-10). In 1:11-2:10 Shliach Sha'ul declares that G-d himself gave him the true Besuras Hageulah of Chesed; no man gave this message to him. Shliach Sha'ul persecuted the early preachers of Yehoshua until the risen Moshiach, the death-conquering Word of G-d, stopped Rav Sha'ul and gave him the true Besuras Hageulah to preach, which the other Shluchim in Jerusalem approved as correct. So if anyone claims to be a prophet and wants to preach the Besuras Hageulah, he ought to recognize that what Shliach Sha'ul is telling the Galatians is from the L-rd. Unless he recognizes this, his preaching should not be recognized (I Cor. 14:37-38). The Shluchim in the early days had divided up the Shlichut under the leading of Adonoi. Shliach Kefa and Yochanan and Ya'akov agreed to preach to the Jews. Shliach Sha'ul and Barnabus agreed to leave Israel and go to the Gentiles all over the world, and to send an offering for the poor Messianic Jewish believers in the Holy Land. However, since fellowship with Gentiles was thought to be defiling to a Jew, Shliach Kefa was afraid of getting the Jewish believers in Moshiach Yehoshua angry, so when he came to Antioch in Syria, Shliach Sha'ul had to rebuke him for withdrawing from table fellowship with his Gentile brothers in the L-rd. Shliach Sha'ul tells this story (2:11-14) to prove that his own status as a Shliach was in no way inferior to Shliach Kefa's. The Galatians had better listen to him then and have nothing to do with the Judaizing false prophets who have come to them preaching a different Besuras Hageulah and apparently disparaging Rav Sha'ul's credentials as a Shliach. What is the true Besuras Hageulah? Can a man put his faith in keeping the religious laws of any prophet, Moses or whomever, and be forgiven and regarded as right with G-d? Or will G-d credit us as being righteous if we forsake salvation through law-keeping and put our faith in Moshiach Yehoshua the Moshiach? Shliach Sha'ul explains the Besuras Hageulah in the first person in Romans 7. But here it is also helpful. Moshiach Yehoshua took the penalty of the law when he died for my sin, and since G-d sees me as dead with Moshiach Yehoshua (law does not apply to dead men) and alive in his new life of righteousness, I am free. To try to keep laws to be saved would mean the Moshiach died for nothing. In that case I would no longer be free but under the law's condemnation. (See 2:17-21 and 3:10-14). Stop being foolish, Shliach Sha'ul is saying! New life in the Ruach Hakodesh and miracles do not come by endless legalisms but by having faith (3:1-5)! Look at Abraham. The Law was not given to Moses until 430 years after Abraham. And Law requires works, but Abraham hadn't done any when G-d looked at his faith and regarded him as righteous. Moshiach Yehoshua took the covenant curse of the law's reprisal against us law-breakers, so if we refuse to receive his mercy to us and try to save ourselves by keeping laws, we will not succeed but the curse against us will, and by our lack of faith we will condemn ourselves. To paraphrase Galatians for Muslims: Don't have the nature of Ishmael, the son of a slave woman! Don't be an unspiritual slave of endless legalisms, like many orthodox Jews and Muslims. Be free like new creation Muslims and like your father Abraham! Any rudimentary notion in the world that keeps us under its worldly sway is what Moshiach Yehoshua came to free us from. We were called to freedom and good works prompted by faith working through love (Gal. 5:6) and prompted by the presence of the Ruach Hakodesh in our lives. Therefore, put to death your old life without Moshiach Yehoshua at its center so you will really belong to the L-rd. Don't use your freedom as an excuse to sin. If you are truly guided by the Ruach Hakodesh, you will not live in the wicked lusts of your old life. See 5:19-21 and the warning at the end of 5:21. Pray every day as you meditate on G-d's Word for the Ruach Hakodesh to cultivate the nine fruits of the Spirit in your life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In Muslim lands, it is only self-interest that makes some teachers try to get New Creation Muslims to change the true Besuras Hageulah to a false one. Some messianic Muslims, wanting to escape persecution (6:12), try to force a false Besuras Hageulah on the ignorant. But those who have died to the world know better. They know that the only thing that matters is becoming a new creation (see 6:12-16). Notice your obligation to your teacher (6:6). We are not living under the epoch of Law but Chesed (Ro. 6:14) because the law was not made for the righteous but for adulterers (I Tim. 1:9). Yet we are not free from G-d's law but are under Moshiach's law (I Cor. 9:21). We must put our old nature to death. However, Moshiach's law is not dead. Today we have lawless "scribes and Pharisees" in the Brit Chadasha kehillah who do not obey Moshiach's radical laws. Moshiach Yehoshua says, "If you even look with lust at a woman you are an adulterer," and Moshiach Yehoshua says to the woman who has divorced the husband of her youth, "Let her remain unmarried (I Cor.7:11)." But the lawless "scribes and Pharisees" in the Brit Chadasha kehillah look at the divorcee with lustful eyes and tell her to marry as often as she likes. Lawless disciples should re-read Matthew 7:23--the word there is not "evildoers" or ye that work iniquity" but "workers of lawlessness". The Jews who were zealous for the Torah's Jewish lifestyle (not as a way of salvation upstaging Moshiach Yehoshua) in Acts 21:20 are not rebuked by Shliach Sha'ul. Rav Sha'ul lived as an observant Jew and the Jewish community of Messianic believer: in Jerusalem lived this way as well. Not only that, Shliach Sha'ul put himself as if he were under the epoch of law in order to win those who were under the law (I Cor. 9:20). Shliach Sha'ul is not fighting the Jewish lifestyle of Torah observance in his letter to the Galatians. Shliach Sha'ul himself lived this lifestyle. Shliach Sha'ul is not talking about of Moshiach's shlichut identification with observant Jews. Shliach Sha'ul is fighting a false Besuras Hageulah of salvation through endless Jewish legalisms and works-righteousness merit that upstages the way of faith that Abraham took, which is also the way of faith in the death and Techiyas HaMesim of Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua (Gen 15:6; Hab.2:4). The role of Shliach is not well understood today. Galatians 2:9 says there are people set apart with a gift and calling to go to a particular culture or country or ethnic or language group and start a congregation (I Cor. 4:15) or ministry-training school (Acts 19:9-10) among an unreached people. The passage in II Cor. 8:23 shows that these emissaries were not always eye-witnesses of the resurrection of the Moshiach. See also Rom. 16:7; I Cor. 12:28; Eph. 2:20. Therefore, there are shluchim today. A Kiruv outreach minister may assist in planting a congregation. But a shliach does the work of an outreach minister among the people where G-d has gifted him or her linguistically or culturally to raise up a new congregation with its own native spiritual leaders, teachers, prophets, and kiruv outreach workers. The shliach is first on the scene and starts with nothing but a vision and a resolution to start a prayer meeting or a Bible study or a witnessing campaign or an outreach meeting or some pioneer effort that will result in people taking the Moshiach's tevilah and being incorporated into the new house Brit Chadasha kehillah or body of believers. The shliach starts with absolutely nothing--he or she does not build on anyone else's foundation. The gift is that of a pioneer with a certain adaptability of personality and a supernatural love for people whose culture or color of skin or language is different. This man (extremely Jewish) named Shliach Sha'ul loved these Greeks and won great numbers to the L-rd. constantly going where no Brit Chadasha kehillah existed among the Greeks and starting them from nothing. Do you have the vision of a shliach to start a new congregation in virgin territory? Are you a shliach? One of the problems in American Brit Chadasha kehillot is that everybody is too enamored with an American "melting pot" model of the Brit Chadasha kehillah. The Brit Chadasha Scriptures are much more socially realistic than that. People do not "melt" into a pot. People are different. The Greeks in Corinth had a drastically different culture than the Jews in Jerusalem. If the Corinthian Brit Chadasha kehillah were simply imported to Israel or the Jerusalem Brit Chadasha kehillah imported to Corinth neither Brit Chadasha kehillah would grow. Shliach Sha'ul had a different gift than Ya'akov. Shliach Sha'ul could relate to Greeks better than Ya'akov could. Shliach Sha'ul did not win many Jews to the L-rd. Ya'akov did. Most Followers of our Moshiach in America don't see these nuances when they read Acts 21:20 or Galatians 2:9. Most people do not understand that the Shluchim were cultural specialists. Shliach Sha'ul became like the Greeks to win the Greeks and Paul started Hellenistic Greek Brit Chadasha kehillot. Ya'akov became like the Jews to win the Jews and started Messianic Jewish synagogues. Shliach Sha'ul did not see thousands of Jews won into his Hellenistic Greek Brit Chadasha kehillot, but Ya'akov did see thousands of Jews won into his Messianic synagogues (see Acts 21:20). Now there were Jews like Aquilla and Priscilla in Rav Sha'ul's Greek Brit Chadasha kehillot and there were Greeks like Titus in Ya'akov's Messianic synagogue, so these congregations were integrated and not segregated. However, the style of the cultural flavor of the congregations in Corinth and Jerusalem were not the same, and the Brit Chadasha kehillot were culturally attuned to be more successful in one place than the other. Look at Gal. 6:15-16. Replacement theology is wrong when it thinks that uncircumcision is anything. "Dual Covenant" liberals are wrong when it thinks that circumcision is anything. Both are wrong because a new creation is everything, even when national Israel comes to salvation. Whoever separates from this teaching will forfeit his crown and his citizenship in the Israel of G-d. ("Dual Covenant" theologians maintain that Jewish people do not need to believe in Moshiach Yehoshua to be saved. They maintain that Jewish people can be saved through another covenant, G-d's promise to Abraham. Such liberals resent the Besuras Hageulah being preached to Israel.) It is true that G-d warns the nations that he will punish them if their anti-Semitism causes them to curse and persecute the Jewish people. So true followers of the Moshiach should always bless the Jewish people and pray for their salvation. However, there is nothing more anti-Semitic than refusing to tell a dying people the way of escape from eternal destruction. If "Israel after the flesh" does not receive the second circumcision (the new birth of regeneration), they are children of Hagar (Gal. 4:21f), those who say they are Jews and are not (Rev. 2:9). Without the new birth, they are not the Israel of G-d (Gal. 6:16), because not all Israel (who are descended from Israel) is (eschatological redeemed) Israel (Rom. 9:6). How are we going to provoke them to jealousy to get saved if you tell them they already have an operative, saving, covenantal relationship with the G-d of Israel and already have an unconditional land lease to live in safety in Israel. Study Jeremiah's book again. This is not his Besuras Hageulah. The covenant was with Abraham and his seed (singular), which is Moshiach, and whoever does not love the L-rd Yehoshua is accursed. It is true that whoever tries to take the Promised Land away from the Jewish people is also cursed by the Law and the prophets, although, in Scripture, these same accursed Babylonians etc are also the instruments of G-d to expel the Jews from their land if the Jews continue in unbelief (but see Zech. 1:15). The L-rd is the owner of the land and the Jewish expulsions and returns in Scripture are G-d's way of preaching to the nations what's in store for them (expulsion from the presence of G-d into hell) if they continue in unbelief like this blind nation) Israel. On the other hand, the G-d who promises the resurrection of the dead is to be believed precisely because he is the G-d who has resurrected Israel from her national grave. He guards her and curses her enemies and leads her according to his purposes even in her blindness and unbelief. The Brit Chadasha kehillah must not arrogantly steal her promises or her status or her prerogatives, nor must she take a condescending or hateful or proud attitude toward Israel (Rom. 11:18-20). In the same way that Dispensationalism can lead to an inadequate view of the Brit Chadasha kehillah, Covenant Theology can lead to an in adequate view of national Israel. By separating the "Brit Chadasha kehillah" from being in any sense part of "Israel," the Dispensationalists make the same kind of unscriptural distinction that Covenant theologians make when they equate "the Brit Chadasha kehillah" and "Israel." Romans 11, as it is interpreted in terms consistent with Rav Sha'ul's other writings, shows that both the "Brit Chadasha kehillah" (or the true remnant from the Jews and the Gentiles of the world) and also natural "Israel" (genealogical "seed" of Abraham) must be grafted by faith into ideal "Israel" (the Jerusalem above, the Israel of G-d, as opposed to the Israel after the flesh--I Cor. 10:18). Not all (natural) "Israel" is (ideal) "Israel", but the redeemed remnant on earth (from the Jews and the Gentiles of the world) is the true circumcision (Phil. 3:3). An ideal term for Israel may be found in Isaiah 44:2, where the word (Yeshurun) is an honorific title in contrast to Jacob whose name means deceiver/ overreacher. "The Upright One" is not the deceiver, it is a nation of Israelites who are without deceit (Yochanan 1:47). Shliach Sha'ul uses the word for olive tree (found in Jer. 11:16 and Hos. 14:6) for the symbol of Ideal Israel in Rom. 11:17. Shliach Sha'ul did not make the collection journey just as an individual Jew paying his respects to the Fatherland. Shliach Sha'ul was reporting to the Sanhedrin-substitute, the council of Zion's Zekenim of (pre-70 C.E. Holocaust) Brit Chadasha Judaism. Shliach Sha'ul made this reporting lest he had run in vain, because salvation is "of the Jews" and of Zion. As far as Gal. 4:10 is concerned, a word needs to be said about Shabbos observance. There were Messianic jews in Rome who observed the Shabbos and there were Gentiles who did not, and Shliach Sha'ul does not denigrate the Shabbos or forbid Messianic services on that day (see Romans 14:5). Although the Shabbos commandments are not imposed on Gentiles by Shliach Sha'ul, the Brit Chadasha Scriptures records services on both Motzei Shabbos and Yom Rishon (Acts 20:7) on the Gentile field of ministry. Acts 20:7 records a Motza'ei-Shabbat service. Motzei-Shabbos means "departure of the Shabbos" and is the period beginning with sunset following the Shabbos and extending to midnight. Since the Bible defines a day from sundown to sundown (Gen. 1:5; Lev. 23:32) this is the end of the Shabbos and the beginning of Yom Rishon, Yom HaAdon. This means that Acts 20:7 shows the Brit Chadasha kehillah on the Gentile field meeting on both Shabbos and Yom HaAdon. Rav Sha'ul's normal routine, wherever he went, would have been to have preached the Besuras Hageulah in a synagogue in the context of a Shabbos Hebrew service, so Shliach Sha'ul himself observed Shabbos and made it a day of Jewish ministry, even while he was winning new believers and founding a Brit Chadasha kehillah. We must also remember that Rav Sha'ul's Besuras Hageulah to the Gentiles could not be effective in actual practice if his commission as a shliach had not been acknowledged by a law-observant Messianic Jewish remnant in Zion. The law of the Moshiach (the Besuras Hageulah--I Cor. 9:21) did not originate with Shliach Sha'ul; the law of the Moshiach had gone forth from Zion, from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:3; 42:4). When Shliach Sha'ul submitted his message to the Shliach in Jerusalem, they authorized him to continue his emphasis of a circumcision-free message to Gentiles. However, there was no such emphasis in the Besuras Hageulah that was preached in Jerusalem to Jews who were already circumcised and were planning on circumcising their eight-day-old male babies. Acts 21:20 proves that the Jerusalem form of pristine Brit Chadasha Judaism (which is the canonical pattern for Jews) did not follow a Besuras Hageulah which apostatized from the Sinai Covenant and its mitzvot. Shliach Sha'ul himself observes the law by preaching the Besuras Hageulah on Shabbos as a rabbi every week when he is not in prison. Gal. 4:8-10 is not an attack on Judaism (this was the religion of the Shluchim) but on an abberant form of the saving message of the Shluchim that tries to convince Gentiles that the Moshiach is not enough to save them, because they must also depend on their own legalistic works in order to be saved, especially the work of circumcision. Shliach Sha'ul preached that a new creation, not a new culture or a new legalism, is needed to turn around a sinner bound for the destruction of G-d's judgment. The message of Galatians is this warning: preach the true new creation Besuras Hageulah or be accursed by G-d. The stoixeia tou kosmou (4:3,9) are the elementary, rudimentary principles or spirits (Col. 2:8) behind false religion (religion not grounded in the inerrant new creation faith of the Kitvei Hakodesh and the Brit Chadasha Scriptures). Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. 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