OJB "STRONG'S CONCORDANCE" . (This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching, confirmed in Rabbinic exegesis, see זרע זה מלך המשיח מדרש רבה
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BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, BE LIKE NA'AMAN AND HEAD FOR THE MIKVEH AND GET REAL LEV TAHOR LEVERAGE AGAINST HASATAN IN THE NAME OF HASHEM (ATIK YOMIN) AND THE ZOON FOON DER OYBERSHTER (BAR ENOSH) AND THE RUACH HAKODESH ADONOI ECHAD AND BECOME A MESHICHIST YID. And you don't have to buy the paperback; you can download the searchable e-book version including this and read it on your computer screen free-of-charge (you can also download free-of-charge another book that you can use as a commentary to get you into the Biblical languages and also intensely into each book of the Bible). But if you decide you DO want the paperback which also includes this translation as well as the other 39 books of the Bible, THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE YOUR CREDIT CARD JUST SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO AFII TO GET YOUR PAPERBACK COPY OF THE OJB CHECK OUT ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL MESSIANIC BIBLE SOCIETY HOME PAGE THE PEOPLE HE FOREKNEW STOP EVERYTHING AND VIEW THIS NUMBER #1 GOOGLE RATED MESSIANIC VIDEO Why your soul's salvation hangs on the inerrancy of the Bible DO YOU KNOW THE DERECH HASHEM [REQUIRES LITERACY IN HEBREW]? ARE YOU DEPRESSED [THIS IS IN ENGLISH]? IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU Five books of the Hebrew Bible are known as the Five Scrolls (Chamaish Miglot). Song of Songs is read on the Shabbos of Passover week (Sepherdim read it on Seder night and Friday afternoons). Ruth is read on Shavuos (Pentecost). Ecclesiastes is read on the Shabbos of the week of Tabernacles (Succot). Lamentations is read of the Ninth of Av, a fast commemorating the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash. And, finally, the book we are studying, the Scroll of Esther, is read on Purim. Both Esther and Job could be produced as plays or musicals with a high professional production level. In Aaron Frankel's Writing the Broadway musical, he shows how to lay out the scenario for a story by identifying the points in the play, visualized as a series of scenes, where the conflicts in each scene rise to a crescendo requiring song and/or choreography. Here are a few ideas on how to organize the telling of Esther's story in this way. A few possible lyric lines for songs have been put in quotation marks. Why not think of how you could write an original play or musical to be presented every Purim in your ministry, and to be usable in Jewish outreach? (Try your own creative hand--you can polish the ideas below or come up with better ones): Scene: Persian city of Susa (modern Iran). Time: 483 B.C.E. Possible ideas for a scenario with a few song lyric ideas: King Ahasuerus and company (tipsy): "Queen Vashti, you're not acting very pretty." Queen Vashti could sing a song to her maidens to go tell the King she is now a "liberated" woman. The chorus made up of King Ahasuerus's counsellors ("wise men (chachamim)"-- Esther 1:13) could lament the rebellious female population of the country and how Queen Vashti will start an insurrection in every home. A national domestic revolt is imminent, right in homes of the nation! These wise men could sing, "It's a scandal! Things are getting out of hand! Queen Vashti refuses to come at the king's command! (see Esther 1:12)." On a serious note, Esther 1:22 can be taken as an allusion to the fall of mankind in Gen. 3. Esther singing in front of the harem: "So if I'm Jewish, why don't I come out of the closet?" (Make sure the diction fits the character and is in good taste and in agreement with Scripture. Does this work?)(Look at Esther 2:10-11.) A certain dramatic license is acceptable sometimes. Esther could sing or recite some of the great Messianic prophecies in her Hebrew Bible, and she could dream of the Moshiach being a great King just as she, by the providence of G-d, might become a great Queen. However, rather than try to keep her life and her throne, in a later scene she is urged by her uncle Mordecai and her conscience to decide to lose her life and her throne for the sake of her people's salvation. The play's ending tells us, however, that whoever loses his life can get it back through faith (Luke 9:24; see Esther 4:14). But the drama could hinge on Esther as she reaches this crisis decision to lose everything and so matures through suffering, finally saying (or singing), "If I perish, I perish (Esther 4:16), I must proclaim the truth." (Rav Sha'ul said, "I am ready to die in Jerusalem"--Acts 21:13). Her attention could be drawn to the example of the suffering Messianic figure of Joseph, who said, "G-d sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant (sh'airit) on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance (Gen. 45:7)." Mordecai (after he overhears the assassination plot of Bigtha and Teresh against King Ahasuerus): "I keep my ears open so I never lose my head--but why does everyone want someone's head? Why does everybody hate the Jews? Let my life be given me--that is my petition" (see also Esther 7:3). These are possible working song titles. He can refer to his ancestor Saul's battle against that race of anti-Semites called the Amalekites and their king, Agag (see 3:1). Unfortunately, like Joseph, Mordecai is forgotten. Instead, Esther 3:1 tells us that King Ahasuerus promotes Haman. But those who are exalted will be humbled, and pride goes before the fall. Mordecai is even in more danger when word leaks out that he is a Jew (Esther 3:4). A yellow star could be pinned on Mordecai, and a tattoo could be slapped on his arm to dramatize 3:3-5. The pogrom plot begins ironically in the month of Pesach in Esther 3:6-7 (the people are "sold" as in Egypt--see Esther 7:4) and the pogrom countdown will be 11 months long, finally to be executed on the 13th day of the 12th month. Haman and Ahasuerus possible duet (after Haman gives him the money for the king's treasury to pay for the pogrom): "I'd like to propose a toast (to the death of the people of the L-rd of Hosts.)" Notice that the shameful and death-dealing results of racial hatred are so terrible that great bewilderment at the horror of it all seizes the population (see Esther 3:15). Notice also that any demonic pleasure anti-Semites enjoy is short-lived, for what follows is like a terrible hang-over from an extended drinking bout. But, meanwhile, while the wicked drink and get drunk, the g-dly fast and pray for deliverance (4:1-3). And those who are truly sober and ready to stand in the battle will not run from their Jewish uniform of sackcloth in order to hide in "civilian" clothes (Esther 4:4). It should be clear in this drama that "prayer changes things," (see also 4:26) but prayer requires courage and fearless confession of the truth in order to make its effect, since faith without works is dead. Mordecai and Esther duet based on Esther 4:14: "For such a time as this." Chapter 4 is where the crisis of decision takes place. Everyone is in a position of some kind of influence and can plead for the salvation of the Jewish people. Therefore, everyone should be able to identify with Esther's crisis. All believers come to the royal dignity for such a time as this (Rev. 1:6; I Kefa 2:5,9), and have a Rom. 15:27 obligation regarding the physical well-being of the Jewish people. And if we fail at our obligation, G-d will raise up someone else to do kiruv outreach work for Moshiach among the Jewish people (Esther 4:14). But since G-d has called us to the kingdom for such a time as this, we should look for his divine favor (Esther 5:2,8; 2:15,17; 7:3; 8:5) and enablement and open doors (5:3). Notice that in Esther ch. 6 Mordecai gets the favor Esther already has received, and finally that favor spills out on the entire people of G-d throughout the land. On the other hand there is an omen of disfavor over taking the accursed Human in Esther 6:13. If we ask the L-rd and trust him, he will give us something supernatural that will be attractive and will win favor for the cause of the Lord's people and their Scriptures. Haman (after the scene at the end of chapter 5): "I'm happy and light-hearted without G-d, (and I'll be even happier without the people of G-d. Ahasuerus: "What honor has been given to this man of G-d (Mordecai)?" Great villain's aside: "Whom would the king wish to honor more than me?--Esther 6:6) Haman: "In all modesty, who would the King desire to honor more than Haman the Magnificent? Haman the Incomparable? Haman the Sublime? Haman the Glorious etc.?" Possible trio: Esther and Ahasuerus and Haman: "Who but a devil would dare to try to destroy the Jews?" (Haman could pretend innocence as he sings along in the trio.) Esther solo on 8:17: "How does one become a Jew?" (The fear of G-d comes on you and your heart is cut by the circumcision of the Ruach Hakodesh unto conviction and faith in the Moshiach of the Hebrew Scriptures. Esther could recall stories she had heard of the coming of the Moshiach who would be like Dovid and Joseph and suffer for his people as a victim like one of Human's victims.) What are some of the themes of this story? 1. Getting drunk gets Ahasuerus into trouble twice, once with a divorce and the other time by flirting with anti-Semitism and genocide when he plots a pogrom with Haman. 2. Women's rights (Queen Vashti refusing to bow to this woman-crazy husband of hers) and resisting idolatry (Mordecai the Benjaminite refusing to bow to Haman the Agagite--see I Sm. 15; Ex. 17:14-16; Deut. 25:17-19). 3. Ahasuerus and his gradual deliverance from anti-Semitism as he meets one beautiful Jew and has his mind, that Haman and HaSatan nearly poison, delivered. This gets us into the roots of anti-Semitism: see Esther 3:8, hatred of a people who are different belies hatred of a G-d who is different. Why do people hate the Bible and pass laws that contradict it? Because people are lawless by nature and need a new heart. 4. Ahasuerus is delivered from anti-Semitism by, of all people, a woman. (G-d can use a woman to do anything, and this is another theme: the most unlikely and the weakest vessels can be used by G-d for great purposes). And G-d can use unlikely people in Jewish ministry, too, to effect a "great deliverance" (Gen. 45:7)! 5. Another theme: drunken lust to exploit people for the sake of fleeting worldly power versus true Biblical sacrificial service to G-d's people. 6. Notes on Esther's character: the closet religious witness, who is ashamed of her faith. A big dramatic question to which the play should provide a suspenseful answer is: will she or will she not come out of the closet and, whatever the possible loss, tell people what she believes? 7. Another theme: luck versus providence, and how G-d controls both ("What a divine coincidence!" could be a refrain in the score). G-d uses all things to arrive at his own final goal of protecting his people and keeping them alive until the King of the Jews returns: feminism, beauty contests, insomnia, 8. The enemies of the true people of G-d will always fall into the pit that they have dug-Proverbs 26:27. 9. The origin of the festival of Purim and the coming eschatological event it points to, where all the enemies of Israel, all the Hamans lacking G-d's heart, will be separated out and destroyed. Daniel 12:2; 7:13-14. COMIC POSSIBILITIES: the King's don't-call-us-we'll-call-you extermination of drop-in visitors, which builds suspense when Esther drops in unannounced, etc. Also, look at the chance for Haman to make a great extended double take (a la Oliver Hardy) at the end of 6:10. IMPORTANT STAGE BUSINESS: dealing with the King's ring and the reversal when Mordecal gets it from Haman in 8:2. Seriously, the Moshiach (see "My Servant" = the Moshiach Zech. 3:8, Isa. 42:1; Hag. 2:23) is called G-d's signet ring in Hag. 2:23. See Esther 8:10 and the reversal from Esther 8:2. Why do the nations rage against the L-rd and his anointed, his signet ring, the Moshiach? On other reversals, see Mordecal's reversal, Esther 6:3-6; Human's reversal, Esther 7:10; 8:5; 9:24; the Jewish people's reversal 9:1; etc. Haman is a type of the Anti-Moshiach in the Bible (along with Pharaoh, the king of Babylon, Antiochus Ephiphanes, Caligula, Nero, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and all anti-Semites. This book makes the astounding statement that G-d is at war with all anti-Semites, and G-d will curse those who curse the Jewish people (Gen. 12:3). The Moshiach himself will return at the final battle at the end of days (Armageddon), which will be the last battle of G-d against anti-Semites. Esther 9:5 is a picture of the Day of the L-rd in the Hebrew Bible (Amos 5:9-14; Zeph. l:14-l8). See also Esther 9:2,16. The whole show could be done in modern dress with Haman in a fascist uniform. We need to create spectacles that will draw outsiders to G-d's House, just as G-d did with the splendor of the Beis Hamikdash and the annual pilgrimage festivals. Typological exegesis of Esther. The Moshiach's bride will not be ashamed of him, that he is from the tribe of Judah. The bride that does not come to him (Vashti = apostate religion) forfeits any privileged position and is replaced by the bride that "boldly approaches the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Heb. 4:16; Esther 5:2). Notice, as in I Cor. 15:4, the turning-point day of deliverance is "the third day" (Esther 5:1). See 9:10. When we taste the dainties of the anti-Semites and enjoy their fleeting pleasures, we lose our kingship and royal power, as Mordecai might have (he didn't). However, Modecai's ancestor learned this lesson the hard way when he seized the plunder of Amalek (I Sm. 15:17-19), unlike Abraham who abstained from the plunder (Gen. 14:22-24). Notice Purim is to be a time of joy (simcha) and feasting and gladness and a time to send gifts of food to one another and presents to the poor (Esther 9:22). If this festival were celebrated each year in the Brit Chadasha kehillah, less anti-Semitism would befound there. A Purim play could help laugh the HaSatan out of the sanctuary. Since, according to Romans chs. 9-11 the Brit Chadasha kehillah "joins" Israel, Esther 9:27 applies to the Brit Chadasha kehillah, because the text says,"the Jews accepted as a custom for themselves...and all who joined them, that without fail they should continue to observe these two days every year. Mordecai's work in the last verse ("he sought the good of his people and interceded for the welfare of all his (zar'o) seed"--Esther 10:3) sounds like the Moshiach in Isaiah 53:12,10 ("he made intercession for the transgressors...and he shall see (zera) seed"). Important note: Saddam Hussein's army was destroyed on the very day of Purim, 1991, proving any Haman who threatens to destroy Israel can still be brought down by the G-d of Israel. ESTHER 8:17 In every province and in every city, wherever the edict of the king went, there was joy and gladness among the Jews, with feasting and celebrating. And many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the Jews had fallen on them. Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. NOW READ THE WHOLE MEGILLAH here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here See the ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE. SEE YESHUA IN AN AUTHENTIC ORTHODOX JEWISH MAHZOR THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE IS AN ENGLISH VERSION.READ ABOUT MEN THAT ARE MORE FREE AND RICHER THAN BILLIONAIRE BILL GATES. 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