OJB "STRONG'S CONCORDANCE" . (This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching, confirmed in Rabbinic exegesis, see זרע זה מלך המשיח מדרש רבה
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BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, BE LIKE NA'AMAN AND HEAD FOR THE MIKVEH AND GET REAL LEV TAHOR LEVERAGE AGAINST HASATAN IN THE NAME OF HASHEM (ATIK YOMIN) AND THE ZOON FOON DER OYBERSHTER (BAR ENOSH) AND THE RUACH HAKODESH ADONOI ECHAD AND BECOME A MESHICHIST YID. And you don't have to buy the paperback; you can download the searchable e-book version including this and read it on your computer screen free-of-charge (you can also download free-of-charge another book that you can use as a commentary to get you into the Biblical languages and also intensely into each book of the Bible). But if you decide you DO want the paperback which also includes this translation as well as the other 39 books of the Bible, THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE YOUR CREDIT CARD JUST SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO AFII TO GET YOUR PAPERBACK COPY OF THE OJB CHECK OUT ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL MESSIANIC BIBLE SOCIETY HOME PAGE CHECK OUT ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL MESSIANIC BIBLE SOCIETY HOME PAGE MOSHIACH'S LETTER THROUGH THE SHLIACH SHA'UL TO TIMOTIYOS (I) STOP EVERYTHING AND VIEW THIS NUMBER #1 GOOGLE RATED MESSIANIC VIDEO Why your soul's salvation hangs on the inerrancy of the Bible DO YOU KNOW THE DERECH HASHEM [REQUIRES LITERACY IN HEBREW]? ARE YOU DEPRESSED [THIS IS IN ENGLISH]? IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU MOSHIACH'S LETTER THROUGH THE SHLIACH SHA'UL TO TIMOTIYOS (I) One of the worst heresies of all time is called clericalism, the lie that only paid clergy behind professional pulpits can preach. This book says there will be a great apostasy (with many clergy possibly involved in it). The Biblical prophet Yoel (Joel) said that in the end-times your ordinary sons and daughters would preach and prophecy (Yoel (Joel) 2:28). However, another (and wholly opposite) heresy is anticlericalism, the opposition to clerical authority, the total revolt of the laity or the secular spokespeople that says, in effect, there is no valid authority invested in ordained minsters. The Epistles (I and II Timothy and Titus) are a canonical handbook to guard against various expressions of anticlericalism and other heresies. Shliach Sha'ul wrote these letters to strengthen the authority of those who must preserve the purity of the teaching of the Shluchim as it is committed to "faithful men who can teach others also" (II Tim. 2:2). There must be an ordained ministry and the I-II Tim-Tit Epistles lets us make no mistake about that. However, liberal scholars have used a circular argument to try to prove that these letters aren't genuine and that Shliach Sha'ul didn't write them. Their argument goes in this circle: the real Shliach Sha'ul wrote Romans and Galatians and a few other letters; the I-II Tim-Tit Epistles don't sound like Romans and Galatians; the author of the I-II Tim-Tit Epistles can't be the real Shliach Sha'ul. There is close agreement of wording between Acts 20:17-38 and II Timothy 4:6-8 and 3:11. So Shliach Sha'ul, as Luke records him, can in fact sound like he sounds in the I-II Tim-Tit Epistles. The notes on Acts already have made the points for dating the book of Acts extremely close to the time II Timothy was written, if not the same time. Shliach Sha'ul might have said in II Tim. 4:11, "Only Luke is with me (writing the book of Acts)." The notes on Acts show that Acts is an expansion of Rav Sha'ul's legal brief built around the legal precedents of Rav Sha'ul's encounters with Roman officials throughout the Empire. Acts attempts to make the case (while it fleshes out the story of the acts of the Ruach Hakodesh in fulfilling the Great Comminion) that Rav Sha'ul's faith was not a calculated attempt to undermine or threaten the government of Rome. Rather, what Shliach Sha'ul taught from Jerusalem to Rome is the true, legal (according to Roman law) religion of the Jews embracing the whole world, and unbelieving Jews should not be listened to by the Romans judging Shliach Sha'ul. So there is ample proof in Acts and the epistles themselves to prove that Shliach Sha'ul is the author or the I-II Tim-Tit Epistles. The difference in Rav Sha'ul's vocabulary in the I-II Tim-Tit Epistles is due to the fact the Shliach Sha'ul is now an old man. He is not babying carnal new believers with a mother's gentleness but rather, with time running out on his ministry, Shliach Sha'ul is giving blunt orders to those who will have to continue preaching "the Besuras Hageulah that was entrusted" to this man marked for martyrdom, Shliach Sha'ul (1:11). The year is probably about 63 C.E. Shliach Sha'ul has just been released from his first Roman imprisonment. Timothy is a man in his middle thirties and Shliach Sha'ul is in his sixties. In the letter to the Philippians (Phil. 1:26), a letter Shliach Sha'ul wrote during his first Roman imprisonment, Shliach Sha'ul indicated he would visit the Philippian congregation again if he were released. This is apparently the vicinity where he is now, in Macedonia (modern nothern Greece), and has sent this letter called I Timothy to Timothy in Ephesus. Timothy is to be Rav Sha'ul's senior emissary of Moshiach's shlichut on the field of Asia Minor (what is today modern Turkey) and Shliach Sha'ul has delegated to him the responsibility of overseeing the planting of new congregations and the appointing of new congregational leaders in the area. I Tim. 1:3 warns Timothy, as Rav Sha'ul's associate, to stay in Ephesus and insist that the Brit Chadasha kehillah leaders not teach any strange or different doctrine. Today there are those who teach all manner of novel doctrines virtually unknown in the history of Brit Chadasha kehillah dogma or in sound exegesis (partial-rapture theory, secret coming of Moshiach theory, etc) and demand that everyone agree with them (despite I Thes 4:16-17 etc.) or be branded as heterodox or liberal. Shliach Sha'ul warned Timothy not to tolerate this kind of thing. All teaching must be exegetically controlled by the inerrant Bible. Sound teachers are to scrupluously avoid empty speculations and theories (1:4,6) of this kind and to stick to the sober Word of G-d and not go beyond what is written (I Cor. 4:6). The Besuras Hageulah must be preserved in its Biblical purity and without the accumulated oral tradition (Mark 7:9) that denominations tend to generate more profusely the older they get. The law was never intended for those who are led by the Ruach Hakodesh in the age of the Ruach Hakodesh at the time of the Moshiach's inauguration of the Brit Chadasha (Gal. 5:18; Titus 1:15; Heb. 8:13). The law was intended for those who live according to the old sinful nature, and need to be convicted of sin and brought to the Moshiach to receive a new nature and the gift of the Ruach Hakodesh. But the ignorant, who presume to be doctors of the law but don't know whet they are talking about, don't understand this and put people under all kinds of legalisms instead of teaching them about the new birth (see I Tim. 1:6-11 and Galatians 4 and Romans 7 and 8). Shliach Sha'ul knows that his life as a Brit Chadasha kehillah-murdering blasphemer (made into a world-famous Shliach and prophet) shows the grace of G-d in Moshiach Yehoshua the Moshiach "exceedingly" (1:14). Yet Shliach Sha'ul also knows that he did these things in ignorance (see I Tim. 1:13 and Luke 23:34), and not as a knowing Esau (who knew what he was denying but thought incorrectly that he could get it back in easier times --Hebrews 12:16-17) or a knowing Judas (who actually shared the L-rd's ministry--Acts 1:17). The Scripture warns that if anyone tastes of the knowledge of heaven and yet knowingly becomes an apostate, for such a person it is impossible to lead him or her to be renewed a second time (Hebrews 6:4-8). Let this be a warning to any in the faith who think they can do what Judas did in bringing the police against the brethren and yet be forgiven like Shliach Sha'ul, who also brought the police against the brethren. There very definitely is something called apostasy. This doctrine of apostasy must be taught to all who claim to be believers. The cowardly apostates who try to gain their lives instead of enduring to the end will lose their lives and not inherit the Kingdom of G-d (Rev. 21:8; Mark 8:35; Mat. 24:13). Shliach Kefa was tempted in this area but repented. Apostasy is a dangerous possibility not to be dismissed by any antinomian doctrine of eternal security, though warnings about apostasy (see Heb. 6:4-12) should not exclude the doctrine of assurance (see I Yochanan 5:13). Note: the doctrine of assurance should not be contaminated with any Pelagian notion that man, by his own sheer will power and without the help of G-d, can save himself from apostasy or Gehinnom or anything else. Chapter 2 (see also 4:13) tells Timothy how to conduct public services. Shliach Sha'ul of course intends the missions congregational leaders to study this and not just Timothy. Notice public prayer meeting, proper attire, and proper order between the sexes with the husband being respected by his wife are all emphasized. Shliach Sha'ul knew that prayerlessness, scorn, disrepect, and Edenic revolt were always shimmering just below the surface, ready to erupt in human hearts. Ch. 2:5 is very important. Only the Word of G-d mediates salvation, and the Word of G-d incarnated himself only once and only in one man, Moshiach Yehoshua. There is absolutely no other man or no other name or no other way to G-d but by him. I Tim. 4:1 speaks of the apostasy Shliach Sha'ul earlier alluded to in II Thes. 2:3. This is the great repudiation of the inerrant Bible both inside and outside the Brit Chadasha kehillah at the end of the age to set the stage for the appearing of the Anti-Moshiach. Shliach Sha'ul tells Timothy to watch both what he preaches and how he practices it (4:16). Ch. 5:19 should be taken (along with Matthew 18:15-18) as an important guide for Brit Chadasha kehillah discipline. If someone aspires to have authority over believers to build them up in the faith, that person should be accountable for his teaching and be subject to Scripturally defined discipline for way wardness in the faith (5:19). The gift of prophecy is needed in the Brit Chadasha kehillah. This entails recognizing G-d's appointment (s'micha) to ordained ministry of certain persons (see 4:14). The warnings (3:6 and 5:22) about giving too much authority too quickly to novices are well taken in Brit Chadasha kehillah planting. Because novices are so inexperienced and spiritually immature, it is unwise for them to allow themselves to be thrust forward so much. There are plenty of warnings in the Scripture about laying hands too suddenly on youthful and ambitious men who are prone to be pushy, double-tongued, and clique-creating politicians. The more mature men must walk a line between discouraging them and keeping them in check. However, many plodding emissaries of Moshiach's shlichut err in the opposite direction, taking far too long to end their paternalism. If this letter is read again carefully, it is very obvious that the strident and unspiritual kind of irreverent "intellectualism" in many religious colleges and seminaries is forbidden and sinful in ministry formation and causes people to err concerning the faith (6:21). This is also true of those empty babblers who pride themselves in their "gnosis" (knowledge) about law and oral tradition and various merely human teachings and speculations. G-d wills that all men should be saved (I Tim. 1:16, 2:4; II Tim. 2:25-26; 4:17). Having said all this about the ordained ministry, something more needs to be said about the ministry of all believers. Exodus 19:6; Isaiah 61:6; I Shliach Kefa 2:5; Rev. 1:6; 20:6 proclaim that we are all ministers and II Cor.5:10 says we will all be quickly called to account for our ministries. Col. 4:17 says. "See to it that you fulfill your ministry." There is a functional distinction in the Bible between laity and ordained leadership, but nothing like the elitist Protestant and sacerdotal Roman Catholic views. The overseer is "G-d's inspector" and such a person is himself subject to inspection, which means Brit Chadasha kehillah-recognized appointment (s'micha). However, it should be remembered that the ministry of Moshiach Yehoshua began at his tevilah. So, in the kehunah of all believers, at least some pre-tevilah Bible instruction before Moshiach's tevilah is as essential for the believer as some sort of Bible training is for overseers. Concerning the place of women in the L-rd's house, let the following apply to men and women equally. Beware of mixing any male-female sensuality in your service to the Holy One, for such indulgence is in reality a syncretistic Baalish cult inveighed against in II Shliach Kefa and Yehuda in the Brit Chadasha Scriptures and in Hosea and elsewhere in the Tanakh. This means you can't serve G-d and the sex g-d Baal. You may be able to excuse yourself with an easy conscience but G-d won't. Therefore, never "minister" to a person of the opposite sex alone, unless you want a sterile ministry with no one coming to salvation, the reproach of the brethren and outsiders, and the pangs of inevitable divine retribution (if you want to think up evil to do, G-d can and will out-think you and bring it back on your head--see Micah 2:2-3). Yehoshua sent people out 2 by 2, and Shliach Sha'ul wanted spiritually mature women to minister to women--see Titus 2:3-4. He would not permit a female individual to teach or have authority over a male individual (I Tim. 2:12), or a single man to teach a single woman alone, and in the name of the L-rd he demanded that a man and a woman avoid the appearance of evil (I Thes. 5:22), which means not being alone together, and men treating women like sisters in absolute purity (I Tim. 5:2). We are to watch our life and doctrine closely (I Tim. 4:16) if we desire to save ourselves and others. We are to walk carefully with our G-d (Micah 6:8). One reason why single men and women are not sent alone to the foreign mission field by many foreign mission boards is precisely this problem, for loneliness in a strange land and romantic temptations with the nationals can destroy ministry and invite scandal. Single foreign emissaries of Moshiach's shlichut need the gift of celibacy which includes the emotional strength to cope with loneliness and the wisdom to minister to people in appropriate settings (that is, with the help of additional disciples and married couples, etc). One thing we are seeing a lot of in this wicked world is engaged couples taking many appearance liberties because they are almost married. This also is very dangerous and can throw a stain on a marriage even before it begins. Flee (run for your life) from the lusts of youth (II Tim. 2:22)! Expressing physical affection for the opposite sex (even your spouse) in the house of G-d is not appropriate. ON THE ORDINATION OF WOMEN Read II Chron. 34:22. Shliach Sha'ul would not contradict the Tanakh and must not be interpreted in such a way that makes him do so. I Tim. 2:12 can not be interpreted in such a way as to contradict II Chr. 34:22. Neither should be the case with I Tim. 3 and Titus 1. A piece of paper is worthless if the person, male or female, doesn't have the gift that Huldah was given by G-d; and their must be some way to authorize and de-authorize or defrock those who prove unworthy of messianic ministry. Satan has more than half (there are more women than men and women live longer) of the L-rd's work force lolling on Brit Chadasha kehillah pews because of the twin lies that only professionals (clericalism) and men (male chauvinism) can preach and all preaching must supposedly be done (by men) in the sacred shrine called the Brit Chadasha kehillah building. The Brit Chadasha Scriptures knows nothing about any such thing as a Brit Chadasha kehillah building and women are some of the most effective workers in the Brit Chadasha Scriptures. Why are not the Huldahs, the prophetesses (look at Yoel 2:28 "your sons and daughters will prophesy"), the lady preachers preaching everywhere? Everywhere there are people waiting to hear a preacher: the hospital rooms where the dying are going to Gehinnom without a witness, the nursing homes, the school yards (with young girls and others loitering with the devil), the business world. Lady, why are you not preaching? Why are you yourself loitering when you could be prophesying? Do you think Moshiach Yehoshua will accept your excuse that you listened to men and not to G-d when he tells you to preach and they tell you not to? Why are you not preaching to the conscience with one goal for all the people that you preach to: a permanent g-dly turn-around in their lives! ON THE DUTIES OF A MASHGIACH RUCHANI In summary, leading a congregation is done by many types of mesharetim (messianic ministers). Some are more administrator-teachers, some are more outreach minister-counsellors, etc. G-d can use any combination of gift-mix in the congregational leader he calls. A local congregational leader must never see calling on first-time visitors as so much busy work to be farmed out to somebody else. He may have others help him but if the visitor cards are a drag on his time, then we can expect paper shuffling and pulpiteering from such a man, but not a growing Brit Chadasha kehillah. This is true in the same way that the following example is true. A preacher who brings in people to help him serve the preaching needs of the Brit Chadasha kehillah is one thing; someone who thinks preaching is a drag on his time and hires out the pulpit speakers because he would rather be doing something else than preaching is no congregational leader. Likewise a man who doesn't go after sheep and potential sheep is no congregational leader. This sheep-searching heart-occupation of a congregational leader cannot be hired out. Also the one who does it is the one who receives a congregational leader's salary, though laymen may assist him. Shliach Sha'ul told congregational leader Timothy, "Do the work of an kiruv outreach minister." Moshiach Yehoshua told congregational leader Shliach Kefa to go and seek his sheep and feed them. Congregational leading is not standing on a stage and giving a homily and shuffling paper in one's office. The work of going after the sheep is the thing the congregational leader must lead the flock in and this means taking them and doing it, not merely exhorting them. Laymen know when the congregational leader's heart is not in something, and you cannot get anyone to do what you do not want to do as a congregational leader. G-d calls congregational leaders and they feed his sheep and go and find the lost sheep and the L-rd provides their salaries through the sheep. Their work cannot be hired out or farmed out. Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. NOW READ THE WHOLE MEGILLAH here and here and here and here and here READ ONLINE THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE. ALSO SEE YESHUA IN AN AUTHENTIC ORTHODOX JEWISH MAHZOR THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE IS AN ENGLISH VERSION.READ ABOUT MEN THAT ARE MORE FREE AND RICHER THAN BILLIONAIRE BILL GATES. 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