OJB "STRONG'S CONCORDANCE" . (This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching, confirmed in Rabbinic exegesis, see זרע זה מלך המשיח מדרש רבה
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BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, BE LIKE NA'AMAN AND HEAD FOR THE MIKVEH AND GET REAL LEV TAHOR LEVERAGE AGAINST HASATAN IN THE NAME OF HASHEM (ATIK YOMIN) AND THE ZOON FOON DER OYBERSHTER (BAR ENOSH) AND THE RUACH HAKODESH ADONOI ECHAD AND BECOME A MESHICHIST YID. And you don't have to buy the paperback; you can download the searchable e-book version including this and read it on your computer screen free-of-charge (you can also download free-of-charge another book that you can use as a commentary to get you into the Biblical languages and also intensely into each book of the Bible). 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IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU MOSHIACH'S LETTER THROUGH THE SHLIACH SHA'UL TO THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH IN CORINTH (I) Shliach Sha'ul writes I Corinthians roughly C.E. 55 from Ephesus. While on his second emissary of Moshiach's shlichut journey (C.E. 50-52) Shliach Sha'ul had spent some time with Aquila and Priscilla in Corinth. An important synagogue leader named Crispus and his household had surprised the local Jewish congregation by becoming believers. A rather substantial messianic congregation came into existence during Rav Sha'ul's year and a half stay there in Corinth starting around C.E. 50-51 (at which time he wrote I and II Thessalonians). We are told he set up a rival messianic synagogue in the house of a regenerated G-d-fearer (formerly a Gentile follower of Judaism but uncircumcised) named Titius Justus right next door to where the unbelieving Jews were meeting in their synagogue (Acts 18:7). Shliach Sha'ul was very weak and fearful at this time (I Cor. 2:3) but Silas and Timothy arrived with good news about the Thessalonian congregation (I Thes. 3:6) and Shliach Sha'ul received a vision assuring him of protection and of many souls (Acts 18:9-11), so Shliach Sha'ul began to preach with great power and an impressive revival began. Then, after Aquila and Priscilla moved their base of operations to Ephesus, the capital of Asia Minor (modern Turkey), Apollos (the probable author of Hebrews) joined Aquila and Priscilla for a time and then left for Corinth. Meanwhile, Shliach Sha'ul arrived in Ephesus and established a Messianic yeshiva for raising up new Messianic ministries all over the area. During this two-year period (ca. C.E. 53-55), as he held his discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus, he sent a letter (now lost) to the Brit Chadasha kehillah in Corinth by the hands of Timothy urging the Corinthians not to associate with immoral men (I Cor. 5:9-11). A reply to his letter was delivered to Rav Sha'ul at Ephesus by a group from Corinth including Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus. This letter apparently took exception to Rav Sha'ul's teachings and posed certain questions to Shliach Sha'ul regarding marriage and singleness, food sacrificed to idols, spiritual gifts, and the special Moshiach's shlichut offering (cf. Gal. 2:10) for the Messianic Jews in Israel that Shliach Sha'ul was collecting. Shliach Sha'ul then dictated this letter known as I Corinthians sometime between 54 and 56 C.E. Shliach Sha'ul had been alerted from travellers (the household of a woman named Chloe) between Corinth and Ephesus that there were religious divisions or factions in the Brit Chadasha kehillah based on the prideful tendency to make heroes of men. These personality cults threatened to destroy the community itself (chs. 1-4). One clique championed Apollos, another Shliach Kefa, another Shliach Sha'ul, and one seemed to turn its nose up at any preacher and place Moshiach (as they defined him) at the head of their schismatic party. The Corinthians seemed to consider themselves gifts to their teachers; they did not see that the teachers were in fact gifts to them. Comparing teacher to teacher, they did not realize that it is the Moshiach, not any mere human, who is "wisdom from G-d" (and much else--see 1:30). Shliach Sha'ul also heard something else that disturbed him--a case of incest was going on unchallenged (ch. 5). Also there were court cases between believers (6:1-8) bringing scandal on the Brit Chadasha kehillah in the eyes of outsiders. Not only that, certain libertines were abusing the freedom of believers by indulging in fornication 6:9-20), and there was charismatic chaos in the Brit Chadasha kehillah which had even disrupted the reverent decorum demanded by the Moshiach's Tish (chs. 11-15). Women were apparently at fault in this, too, manifesting insubordination, and shouting out questions to their husbands and lacking modesty and proper respect in their dress. There were some who thought themselves prophets and therefore saw no need to be concerned about whatever authority, as Shliach to the Gentiles, that Shliach Sha'ul might try to assert. Some wanted to speak in tongues all the time in the services and some lacked all fear of G-d when they came to the Moshiach's Tish, not bothering to make teshuva beforehand of sensual disobedience and self-important rebellion. Some were only too quick to downgrade Shliach Sha'ul and look with awe on certain "super-shluchim" from Jerusalem who, unlike Shliach Sha'ul, made stiff financial demands and didn't work with their hands but were "brilliant" rhetoricians and seemed on the verge of taking advantage of Rav Sha'ul's absence to "camp out" on his ministry and disconnect him from the affections of the Corinthians (9:1-7 and see II Cor. 11:5-6). Among this hodge-podge of rebels were some who taught an over-realized eschatology where they were already reigning (not suffering like Rav Sha'ul) as kings with immortal souls (4:8). Therefore, such mundane and materialistic considerations as poverty, illness, hardship, and tribulation were things not to be reckoned with by such charismatic "kings" as themselves (nor a future bodily resurrection either--15:12)! What mattered was the charismatic now of ecstasy,and the rapturous escape from mundane suffering, and the hype of awesome teachers who swept these Corinthians off their hyper-charismatic feet. The foolish idea (1:18) that true believers are suffering servants of the Suffering Servant (if we suffer with him now we will reign with him later--Phil. 1:29; II Tim. 2:11-12; II Cor. 1:5) seems to have been unimpressive to these Corinthians, as was Shliach Sha'ul himself. And the idea that we will be vindicated only at the future resurrection of the dead was not a palatable idea for preaching to Greek audiences. Much more attractive was the notion that true believers were already transformed and even now living in a new age which allows no place for suffering now and no need for a future resurrection of the body later. Notice, however, Shliach Sha'ul anticipated an overly enthusiastic anti-charismatic backlash because he specifically warns against forbidding (either tacitly or bluntly) speaking in tongues and quenching the Spirit in the area of prophesying (I Cor. 11:39-40). Therefore, Shliach Sha'ul is saying, you rebellious super-charismatics and also you anti-charismatics, both of you stay together in unity and make sure you find the balance in heeding the authority of the Scriptures! Is the L-rd's house nothing but giving a message in tongues? Is the L-rd's house nothing but giving the interpretation? Is the L-rd's house nothing but people getting healed? Allow diversity of the gifts, Shliach Sha'ul is saying (see 12:29-31); he is not arguing that these gifts are impossible for some to attain, as I Cor. 14:26 shows. There seems to have been a large host of teachers (4:15) living off the fat of this large congregation, including a few "sabra snobs" (men whom Shliach Sha'ul sarcastically calls "super-Shluchim" in II Cor. 11) who presumed on the fact that they were ethnically Jewish, and were coming in to attempt to mutineer Rav Sha'ul's mission field away from him in his absence, making subtle and not so subtle innuendos undercutting Rav Sha'ul's perogatives as a shliach and attempting to establish their own (see I Cor. 9 and II Cor. 11). There was a tendency toward intellectual pretension in Corinth, though the people themselves were hardly philosophers. A certain incipient Gnostic tendency to see salvation as something acquired by knowledge was already in the Brit Chadasha kehillah. The people were being puffed up by a merely human wisdom that was not from the Spirit. The later Gnostics taught that matter was evil, and this premise led some to a life of forced celibacy while others became promiscuous sexually, seeing the body, as opposed to the spirit, as an indifferent issue, the undefiled spirit alone being considered important. Against such antinomian amorality, Shliach Sha'ul warns if someone claims to be a believer and is immoral or an idolater or greedy or drunken (5:9-11), he or she must be expelled from the congregation (I Cor. 5:2). Note the sins of 6:9-10 and the fearful wage they earn and are paid: Gehinnom! Some in Corinth reasoned that since an idol is "nothing" (I Cor. 8:4), believers have the freedom to join the heathen in using pagan forms of idol worship with an easy conscience. But Shliach Sha'ul warns about the brother who is ruined by watching such a bad example (I Cor. 8:10-11). Shliach Sha'ul also views the body as made for the L-rd and for the resurrection, and these twin ideas lead to the Rav Sha'uline teaching on liberty and holiness. The whole epistle of I Corinthians is a wonderful exposition of divine wisdom on the difference between freedom and license as these impinge on koinonia (fellowship) between brethren and the Moshiach in all areas of life. The advantage of celibacy--for those who need not marry to avoid burning with inward desire (7:9)--is not in the superiority of asceticism over marriage, but in the greater freedom the single person has to please the L-rd (without the often conflicting demand to please the spouse). Notice also that married people will have trouble in this life (7:28) whereas the widow who does not remarry is happier in Rav Sha'ul's opinion (7:40). He is basing this assessment on eschatological reality: the new Adam is already alive from the dead and in him the new humanity of the new holy age (where ultimately people are neither married nor given in marriage-Mk. 12:25) is already spiritually alive from the dead and is ready to appear at any moment; therefore, since the form of this age is passing away (7:31), even those who have wives should come up to speed with reality and live as though they had none (7:29), which means serving the L-rd with singleminded passion, and not in denying conjugal rights (7:3-5). The great crisis that is coming on the world, especially the Great Tribulation, makes the unmarried person's lot seem especially attractive to Shliach Sha'ul (7:26; see Mt. 24:19). This book was written to correct the false doctrine of super-charismatics and anti-charismatic reactionaries and also those who are ignorantly overawed by anyone with the 1st century equivalent of a Ph.D. in Philosophy or Rhetoric, especially a philosopher who says "the dead are not raised" (see 15:12). There was jealousy and strife and quarreling in the congregation and schisms based on hero worship and the narrow-minded tendency to divide into factions. There were puffed-up, arrogant "eloquent teachers" who had a rebellious and independent attitude toward Shliach Sha'ul (see end of chapter 4). The eschatological perspective that colors the whole epistle is 10:11. Has "the end of the ages" dawned on your life? Does that time perspective color all your thinking and priorities? If it doesn't you are an "infant" in Moshiach, a carnal believer, according to Shliach Sha'ul, and you will not agree with him when he gets down to the touchy business of divorce and remarriage and other matters--see I Cor. 7:11. The charismatic "word" (1:5) and "knowledge" (1:5) gifts are part of the way the testimony of Rav Sha'ul's Besuras Hageulah was confirmed in the Corinthian congregation. Rav Sha'ul's preaching was with the demonstration of the Ruach Hakodesh--2:4. Shliach Sha'ul signals in 1:5, at the very beginning of the iggeret, that the gifts of the Ruach Hakodesh have been an enrichment (1:5) to the congregation and that Shliach Sha'ul is for and not again at the charismatic gifts (1:7). We will see later that he insists on intelligibility and order in the use of the gifts, but he commands that they not be quenched or outlawed or despised by the anti-charismatic reactionaries. Rav Sha'ul's remarks on the Moshiach being the only ground of boasting because He is the only true wisdom are based on the Hebrew Bible. Proverbs 8:30 and 30:4 and Psalm 107:20 and 33:6 are important pictures of G-d's wisdom and its saving activity. The saving, creative primordial Wisdom at G-d's side, Wisdom the Ben HaElohim (Proverbs 30:4) of the Tanakh, the chochmah of the Biblical Wisdom Literature (Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Ya'akov) Shliach Sha'ul sees as none other than Moshiach Yehoshua. Shliach Sha'ul is saying, "Stop the quarreling and boasting in mere human rhetorical and worldly, carnal wisdom and stop forming schisms or divisions (1:10,11:18) around these infantile considerations, and consider this: that the so-called wisdom of Greek philosophers and Jewish rabbis has been brought to nothing by the folly of G-d's wisdom, which is the death and resurrection of the Moshiach and the turning point of the ages at His Aitz and empty tomb, where G-d decisively judges and brings to an end the present age (see on this Gordon Fee's commentary on I Corinthians, Eerdmans Publishers, 1987). In view of this act of G-d, everyone is in one of two categories--the "perishing" or "those being saved." The message may be a scandal or an offense to Jews ("What? Our President executed in the electric chair by a foreign government at the request of our wisest leaders?"). The message may be folly or madness to Greeks ("What? a G-d who came to earth and inadvertently got himself nailed up by his worshippers?") but you have to be called to get the message, Shliach Sha'ul is saying in 1:23-24, and the message you get is the power of G-d confirmed even by charismatic gifts in operation in the body (1:5-6; 12:8), though all things must be done decently and in order, and in the interest of intelligibility lest outsiders say "you are mad." (Deliverance Brit Chadasha kehillot that want to turn the whole worship service into an exorcism could also learn something from I Cor. 14:23.) G-d intends to make fools out of everyone on earth and even the "fools" G-d chose for salvation have to become fools for Moshiach in order to become wise, because Moshiach resurrected from a foolish Aitz is the only real wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. One spiritual gift in I Corinthians is the gift of Shliach (12:28). The Shliach lays the foundation of the new kehillah. The Shliach plants the congregation (4:15), the navi waters the new planting, the spiritual leader oversees or inspects its growth, the kiruv outreach minister builds it up with new-born growth from the world, and the teacher edifies the new planting in the Word. Actually G-d does all these things but he uses his gifts to accomplish his work. Shliach Sha'ul believed in a millenium. See 6:2 and compare with Rev. 20:4, Mt. 19:28; Lu 22:30. The kohen-like "ritual eating" of the L-rd's Supper requires teshuva (see Lv. 7:20-21). Relate this to "eating and drinking condemnation of yourself" in I Cor. 11:29. I Cor. 15 says that the Besuras Hageulah is that the Moshiach died, was buried, and was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures. What Scriptures? Leviticus 9 promises the glorious Presence of the L-rd will appear to you if the enjoined sacrifice is accepted (9:1,5-7, 23); Yehoshua is the Word of G-d's Presence appearing among us as Immanuel (G-d-with-us). This promise pertains to "the eighth day," symbolizing the first day of the B'ria Chadasha, the day after the Seventh Day or Shabbos. For more specific references to the Third Day as the time of eschatologlcal theophany, see Ex. 19:11,18 and eschatological Techiyas HaMesim (see Hosea 6:2). There are according to the Bible three types of people: a person who is not devoid of the Holy Spirit and is therefore a believer, in fact a mature believer--I Cor. 2:6--capable of assimilating holy wisdom); a person devoid of the Holy Spirit who is a mere "natural man" and therefore "does not receive the things of the Spirit"--I Cor. 2:14); a person who has the Holy Spirit but acts like a natural man because he is stunted in growth and is a mere infant in the L-rd and can only imbibe the milk of the Word. There were some aberrant teachers in Corinth who tried to assert another (inadmissible) category of person, the pneumatiki, the Spiritual ones. These Greeks were among those causing, reproach among outsiders by splitting the congregation into philosophical factions and settling Brit Chadasha kehillah disputes in secular courts and also creating disorder in the charismatic congregational meetings. These Greek teachers were against Rav Sha'ul's doctrines. They denied the future resurrection of the body (I Cor. 15:12) and claimed on the basis of their Spiritual gifts to have arrived at the Eschaton or Future Age already (I Cor. 4:8), already to have possessed all wisdom (I Cor. 4:l0), denigrating present physical existence, not becoming at all perturbed by the presence of an incestuous man in their membership (I Cor. 5), and including among their numbers certain eschatological "women who refused relations with their husbands...in effect sending them either to get a divorce or to go to the prostitutes (I Cor. 6-7). Rav Sha'ul's letter is meant to set these independent-minded and arrogant people straight and to reassert Rav Sha'ul's authority as Moshiach's Shliach to build up the Kehillah. GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (I Cor.12:8-l0) -word of wisdom: see Acts 16:7; -word of knowledge: see Acts 5:1-10; -faith: see Luke 7:7-9, for an example of mountain-moving (Mt.17:20) faith; -gifts of healings: see Acts 3:6-16; -workings of miraculous powers: see Yochanan 11:42-43; -prophecy: see I Kings 17:1; -discerning of spirits: see I Kings 22:22; -gift of tongues: see I Cor. 14:6; -interpretation of tongues: see I Cor. 14:13; Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. NOW READ THE WHOLE MEGILLAH here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here READ ONLINE THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE. ALSO SEE YESHUA IN AN AUTHENTIC ORTHODOX JEWISH MAHZOR THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE IS AN ENGLISH VERSION.READ ABOUT MEN THAT ARE MORE FREE AND RICHER THAN BILLIONAIRE BILL GATES. 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