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OJB "STRONG'S CONCORDANCE" . (This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching, confirmed in Rabbinic exegesis, see זרע זה מלך המשיח מדרש רבה
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BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, BE LIKE NA'AMAN AND HEAD FOR THE MIKVEH AND GET REAL LEV TAHOR LEVERAGE AGAINST HASATAN IN THE NAME OF HASHEM (ATIK YOMIN) AND THE ZOON FOON DER OYBERSHTER (BAR ENOSH) AND THE RUACH HAKODESH ADONOI ECHAD AND BECOME A MESHICHIST YID. And you don't have to buy the paperback; you can download the searchable e-book version including this and read it on your computer screen free-of-charge (you can also download free-of-charge another book that you can use as a commentary to get you into the Biblical languages and also intensely into each book of the Bible). But if you decide you DO want the paperback which also includes this translation as well as the other 39 books of the Bible, THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE YOUR CREDIT CARD JUST SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO AFII TO GET YOUR PAPERBACK COPY OF THE OJB CHECK OUT ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL MESSIANIC BIBLE SOCIETY HOME PAGE THE DAVIDIC COVENANT STOP EVERYTHING AND VIEW THIS NUMBER #1 GOOGLE RATED MESSIANIC VIDEO TOUR OUR FREE ONLINE BIBLE SCHOOL
DO YOU KNOW THE DERECH HASHEM [REQUIRES LITERACY IN HEBREW]? ARE YOU DEPRESSED [THIS IS IN ENGLISH]? IF YOU HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO LISTEN TO THIS MP3 FILE BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE HIGH SPEED ACCESS, TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE MP3 FILE, BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO YOU THAT THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU DIVREY HAYAMIM ALEF (I CHRONICLES) DIVREY HAYAMIM BAIS (II CHRONICLES) Since II Chr. 36:22-23 is virtually identical with Ezra 1:1-3a, a case can be made for common authorship. If so, the author, if he wrote I-II Chronicles as well as Ezra-Nehemiah (incorporating the memoirs written by Nehemiah), could not have written this work before 445 B.C.E. when Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem. It is certainly possible that Ezra is the author as the Talmud attests. A later hand may have added a few touches, but the bulk of the material may be the result of Ezra's ministry. If Ezra were a young man in 458 B.C.E. when he embarked for Jerusalem, he might still have been alive toward the year 400 B.C.E. which is the approximate time when this corpus of literature reached its final stage of editing. Much of the Hebrew Bible was available to the Chronicler and many other (now lost) writings as well. These he used to preach to the post-exilic Jerusalem community his long sermon known to us as I-II Chronicles. Whereas the author of I-II Kings is writing from the Babylonian Exile, the author of I-II Chronicles is a post-exilic Jerusalem writer and one with a heightened Messianic expectation, who wants to tell the whole story of G-d's electing love and providential care, from Adam to Dovid's coming Son (this is the story the genealogies are telling), viewing all of history from the point of view of the Messianic covenant G-d made with Dovid (II Sm. 7). In I Chronicles, chs. 1-10 lead to an idealized Dovid (in many ways a typological portrait of the coming Mosiach); chs. 11-29 detail the events of Dovid's rule that have primarily Messianic or eschatological significance. In II Chronicles, chs. 1-9 is about Dovid's preeminent son Shlomo (also idealized into a Messianic type--I Chr. 22:10--with a golden reign) and most of this section is about the building of the Beis Hamikdash for the G-d of Israel who is coming to dwell with His people forever; chs. 10-36 are about Dovid's later sons, the kings of Judah, all seen in a certain sense as foreshadows of the final "Dovid" who would sit on "the throne of the L-rd." As Moses receives the plans for the Tabernacle from G-d and hands on his ministry to Joshua, so David receives instructions about the Beis Hamikdash and hands on this divine legacy to Solomon (see I Chr. 22:13), whose "peace" (shalom) points the people to Joshua's "rest" (M'nucha) (see I Chr. 22:9). Everything divine emblem connected with the planning of the Beis Hamikdash--the Levites, the singers, the musicians, the gatekeepers, the orders of the holy kohenhood, the Beis Hamikdash worship in the divinely chosen city of Jerusalem--all these help the Babylonian returnees liberated by the Persian Empire to see themselves not as merely in Jerusalem worshipping at the Beis Hamikdash but as the Exile-chastened remnant of Messianic salvation preparing the ground for the coming of the long-awaited Messianic kingdom, as it says in I Chr. 17:14, "I will set Him (the King Moshiach) over My houseand My kingdom forever, His throne will be established forever." I Chronicles tells us much about leaders. The author of this book was preaching at the beginning of a religious revival, and he used the leaders of the distant past as models for those he was exhorting to lead the spiritual awakening of his day. According to I Chronicles, a leader is someone who offers goals and honors those who reach them. "Whoever attacks the Jebusites first will be the chief officer," David said (I Chr. 11:6). A good leader is someone who gives something to every person who follows him (I Chr. 16:3). A leader is someone who has praise in his heart, more praise in fact than those whom he leads, because one of his duties as a leader is to exhort the people to praise (I Chr. 16:7). A leader also fears G-d (I Chr. 16:30) more than those who follow him, or else his followers have nothing to learn from him, for what is wisdom but the fear of the L-rd? (Prov. 1:7) A leader is a shepherd who counts the sheep and he knows when one is missing. He is a keeper of the flock of G-d who knows that G-d does not dwell in expensive religious edifices (I Chr. 17:5). Therefore, a good leader would rather start a few home meetings and have a dozen sheep counted in each one than wait (while people perish) for the purchase of an expensive building to seat the same amount. A good leader has followers who know and do their duties (I Chr. 23:27-30). This means that every area of the ministry has someone over it and accountable for it (I Chr. 27:25-34). A leader is someone called by G-d to do something for G-d, and a good leader is someone strong enough in the L-rd to do what G-d has called him to do (I Chr. 28:10). A good leader is someone who can uncover the skills of those he serves, and can help them experience the honor of serving G-d (I Chr. 28:21). A leader can set a good example in giving and can the credibly challenge others to give (I Chr. 29:5). A leader in the Biblical context is a person "with a God-given capacity and with a G-d-given responsibility to influence a specific group of G-d's people toward G-d's purposes for the group." Notice in this excellent definition these 4 ingredients in a good leader: l)giftedness, 2)a sense of accountability to G-d for those being influenced, 3)the group is limited and definable and so defines the leader, 4)there is in the giftedness the recurring ability to determine G-d's direction for the group (this is why congregational leaders often resign--they sense they have lost this ability for a particular Brit Chadasha kehillah). Leaders love to rank themselves based on their supposed sphere of influence: small group, community, intercommunity, regional, inter-regional, national, international. A congregational leader will tend to rank congregational leaders at the apex of his leadership hierarchy. A researcher/strategist/theologian will disagree and assert that researchers/strategists/theologians are at the apex. The truth is that all are just little shepherds tending to tiny (but important) aspects of G-d's vast master plan. Do you know your gift-mix? Is it expendable? Can you match your leadership roles to your strengths? What is your present role in the L-rd's body? What are your personal goals? What is your commitment to minions? A good leader doesn't back away from challenges. Hebrew and Greek may take a little work. But if J.W.'s are willing to do the work to get out every day in a disciplined way and attempt to use Hebrew and Greek to convince people that Moshiach Yehoshua isn't divine, then how can a good leader do less than work as hard? I Chr. 10:13 tells why Saul died. This is a warning to us. I Chr. 15:16 shows that the Word is to be brought forth in the midst of joyful singing and wonderful music. If you have a great pulpit ministry but neglect the ministry of music, the Word will not be brought forth as it should be. There should be ministers in charge of the music--see 15:27 and the worship service depicted in II Chr. 29:20-30. Study in Hebrew the clear Messianic prophecy at 17:10-14. Study I Chr. 21:17. A rabbi might say, "We have no teaching about King Dovid's Son, the Moshiach, which condones any Messianic human sacrifice for sin." Oh, no? Look at I Chr. 21:17-where Dovid makes a reference that would have to include the Moshiach and the Moshiach's Beis Hamikdash when Dovid says, "O L-rd my G-d, let your hand fall upon me and my family, but do not let this plague remain on your people." Meditate on the Messianic "Son of Abraham" shown us in Isaac (Gen. 22) and Joseph and Jonah (to say nothing of Isaiah 53) and you will see the Messianic prophecy regarding human sacrifice and the Moshiach's person, that is, His death and resurrection. In chapter 28, notice how Dovid is a new Moses (the post-exilic Chronicler is saying that the Moshiach who is coming now that we are back from the Exile will be a new Dovid like Moses). Isaiah says this explicitily in Isa. 42:4 and 49:9. Do you make a sacrifice of thanksgiving every morning and every evening (I Chr. 23:30)? If not, now you know why depression sometimes attacks you. Why the Song Service is important: When King Jehoshapat had to fight a battle where he was horribly outnumbered, he appointed "men to sing to the L-rd and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army...(and).. as they began to sing and praise, the L-rd set ambushes against (their enemies)." (II Chr. 20:21-22) Some will have itinerant teaching ministries (like that described in II Chr. 17:8-9 though more will hopefully be teaching home Bible studies and building them up until a congregation planting can evolve). Some of our students will become emissaries of Moshiach's shlichut. What are the keys to becoming a kiruv outreach worker for Moshiach? (Hint: they both have to do with spiritual renewal and revival because without these, such ministers are only entertainers performing an empty religious charade.) One key is discovering and falling in love with--almost as though for the first time--the Word of G-d. The great revival under Josiah began when Hilkiah the kohen said, "I have found the Book of the Law in the Beis Hamikdash of the L-rd" (II Chr. 34:l5). A prophetess told Josiah the other key in II Chr. 34:27--he humbled himself and was genuinely sorry for his sins and wept. One of the themes of II Chronicles has to do with what makes a good leader. The author makes the point that what leaders need is not necessarily "success" but revival. "Success" will destroy some leaders: it says that after King Uzziah "became powerful, his pride led to his down fall" (II Chr. 26:16). Again, it says that "in those days (King) Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. He prayed to the L-rd, who answered him and gave him a miraculous sign. But Hezekiah's heart was proud and he did not respond to the kindness shown him; therefore the L-rd's wrath was on him and on Judah and Jerusalem" (II Chr. 32:24-25). Leaders tend to fluctuate between fear and discouragement on the one hand and pride and arrogance on the other, because they forget how unimportant they are in themselves, since, as G-d said to King Jehoshaphat, "the battle is not yours, but the Lord's" (II Chr. 20:15). King Jehoshaphat "had some good in him," but he was always getting himself in deep trouble by political alliances and business partnerships with unbelievers (see II Chr. 19:2; 20:35-37). Do you have people entangled in your life who are not God-fearing and regenerated? Ephesians 2:2 says that the spirit of HaSatan is at work in them. How can light and darkness yoked together expect to prosper and be blessed by the L-rd? We must learn to keep the world at arm's length and show our unsaved friends "mercy mixed with fear, hating even the clothing spotted by corrupt flesh" (Jude 23). If a nation yokes itself with a HaSatan-influenced (Ephesians 2:2) president, that nation will pay the consequences. Look at II Chr. 28:19: "The L-rd had humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he had promoted wickedness in Judah and had been most unfaithful to the L-rd." Should believers care if an unregenerate becomes president? Of course! One U.S. President's favorite verse in the Bible was: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land" (II Chr. 7:14). But what does revival look like? One picture of it is given in II Chr. 5:14 where it says of the kohanim in Shlomo's newly constructed Beis Hamikdash in Jerusalem, that they "could not perform their service because of the cloud (of the L-rd's presence) for the glory of the L-rd filled the Beis Hamikdash of G-d." What does it mean to say that a person is "walking in revival"? And how important is this? King Shlomo answers that question when he says that G-d steadfastly maintains the Covenant with his servants who "walk before him with all their hearts" (II Chr. 6:l4). Even many believers desperately need revival. Some have neglected being faithful to a body of believers where the L-rd wants them to be protected, like He protected little seven year old King Joash. HaSatan was trying so hard to destroy little King Joash that HaSatan even had his grandmother Athaliah (daughter of Ahab, who usurped the Dovidic throne 841-835 B.C.E.) trying to murder him. But the L-rd had him surrounded with ministers and little Joash was hidden in the house of the L-rd where HaSatan couldn't touch him. Do you have a Brit Chadasha kehillah home where you are submitted under congregational leader care? If not, you are like little Joash would have been had he been wandering around on the streets with his demon-possessed enemies looking for him. It's so easy to neglect personal study of the Word and prayer and let one's congregational leader do all that so we can be free to give our heart to our careers and friends and relationships and other things and just drop in for a few services or watch a few religious television shows to convince ourselves that we are not backsliding away from revival. But what does the Word say in II Chronicles: "The L-rd is with you when you are with him. If you seek him he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you" (15:2). Don't you realize you will dry up in unfruitfulness unless you seek the L-rd in personal prayer and Bible study and fellowship? People cannot he won to the L-rd by you unless you are close to the L-rd. It ways this in II Chr. 15:9 about King Asa's personal revival, that "large numbers had come over to him from Israel when they saw that the L-rd his G-d was with him." How does personal revival begin? It begins with the fear of the L-rd, when you and I realize that we represent G-d to people and therefore that we must fear the L-rd because He will hold us accountable for how we live as his representatives. II Chr. 19:6 says it well. Here King Jehoshaphat is charging judges with their responsibilities. However, he might as well be speaking to us since believers will judge the world with Moshiach Yehoshua and even angels (I Cor. 6:2-3). King Jehoshaphat says, "Consider carefully what you do (in other words, how you live and speak), because you are not judging for man but for G-d...Now let the fear of the L-rd be upon you" (II Chr. 19:6-7). That's the warning. Now here's the promise: King "Jotham grew powerful because he walked steadfastly before the L-rd his G-d" (II Chr. 27:6). Unfortunately, many of the wicked kings we study in this book and in I and II Kings were willing to change their religious commitments as light-heartedly as Catholics become Jews or Protestants become Muslims today. Note what wicked King Ahaz said when he sacrificed to the gods of Damascus, "'The g-ds of the kings of Aram (Syria) help them; I shall sacrifice to them and they will help me'; but they were his ruin and that of all Israel" (II Chr. 28:23). We do not ask anyone to change their religion in order to prosper. We ask people to have the courage to believe the truth. Then we identify with them and work with them so that their religious expression of their commitment to the truth avoids as much cultural dislocation as possible. That's why we want to see established messianic synagogues in Jewish neighborhoods and messianic mosques in Arab neighborhoods. That's why we are focussing on cross-cultural outreach and congregation planting. (See the author's two books, Everything You Need To Grow a Messianic Synagogue and The New Creation Book for Muslims.) Many Israelis and Jews do not believe in hell. The Holocaust has led many Jewish people even to disbelieve in G-d. However, various kinds of holocausts are predicted in II Chr. 7:19-22, since judgment begins at the household of G-d. This should make Gentiles and nominal backslidden believers fear as well, because if G-d did not spare the Jews, "neither will he spare you Gentiles." (Romans 11:21). Look at the warning of II Chr. 7:19: "But if you turn away and forsake the decrees and commands I have given you and go off to serve other g-ds (like the humanistic and non-Biblical g-ds of Talmudic Judaism and Secular Humanism) and worship them, then I will uproot Israel from my land (holocaust!), which I have given them, and will reject this Beis Hamikdash I have consecrated for my Name. I will make it a byword and an object of ridicule (anti-Semitism!) among all peoples." This is the negetive message, a severe warning not to neglect receiving the Ruach Hakodesh and the circumcision of new birth (Deut. 30:6) so that one desires to study the Word of G-d and so that one can be taught by the Holy Spirit to interpret it correctly and not with a carnal and unspiritual mind. However, on the positive side, we can point to the feet that G-d blesses those who honor G-d's Word, showing how that anti-Semitic "Haman" Saddam Hussein was militarily defeated on Purim, 1991, and how America was miraculously blessed with less than 100 casualties in the Persian Gulf War because she protected G-d's people and obeyed Gen. 12:3. But there is a greater positive message to be seen in II Chronicles. Since Yeshua (Moshiach Yehoshua) is risen with those he has already spiritually resurrected unto Chayyei Olam (Eternal Life), his Body (the whole house of true believers) is the everlasting Beis Hamikdash that G-d has made for his Word and his Spirit to inhabit. If we are filled with his Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit can operate in our life. G-d says in II Chr. 7:16 "I have chosen and consecrated this Beis Hamikdash so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there." G-d's Name is his personal self-disclosure. The personal Word of G-d, the Moshiach of Israel, is that self-disclosure of the Father. When we are filled with the Ruach Hakodesh various gifts can flow through us: preaching, inspired utterance, ministry, teaching, encouraging, contributing, leading, comfort, supernatural wisdom, supernatural knowledge, miracles, supernatural faith, healing, discerning evil or other spirits (see II Chr. 18:21 when a false prophet like Rev. Moon is unmasked because God's prophet can discern that he has a lying spirit), tongues and their interpretation, planting a congregation, leading someone or many people to commit their lives to Moshiach Yehoshua, caring for G-d's people, helping and more. Through the gifts of the Spirit we can be the eyes and heart of Moshiach, for his eyes and his heart always dwell in his Beis Hamikdash which is the people of G-d. II Chr. 16:12 says "In the thirty-ninth year of his reign (King) Asa was afflicted with a disease in his feet. Though his disease was severe, even in his illness he did not seek help from the L-rd, but only from the physicians." The Bible does not teach that when you are sick you should not see a doctor. However, even if you do see a doctor, you should look to the L-rd to give the doctor wisdom and to be the ultimate healer in the situation. G-d promises not only to heal our land but to touch us individually if we have a change of heart and repent and confess that we have done wrong and have acted wickedly and if we turn from our old ways completely and turn back to G-d (6:37-38). Will you make a commitment right now to start putting personal prayer, personal Bible study, and personal ministry first in your life and to make ministry preparation a priority so that G-d can use you? Ask G-d to give you the wisdom of Shlomo and the discernment you need to yield to G-d for a total healing. The glory cloud that appears at the dedication of both the wilderness Tabernacle and the Beis Hamikdash of the son of Dovid (Shlomo) is a type of the incarnation. See II Chr. 5:7-14 and also Ex. 40:34-35; II Chr. 7:1-3. Notice what happens in II Chr. 5 when the Word in the ark enters the Beis Hamikdash: "then the Beis Hamikdash of the L-rd was filled with a cloud." See II Chr. 6:32-33: both the Servant of the L-rd and the Beis Hamikdash are to be lights to the Gentiles (a related theme is found in Isaiah). Both the Moshiach and the Beis Hamikdash bear the Name of G-d (Jer. 23:5-6; Isaiah 9:6). Note also II Chr. 7:4 where the L-rd's Word entered His House in order to trigger divinely acceptable blood sacrifice--all this is a type of the Incarnation. Note II Chr. 7:19-22. The sins of Israel's kings brought the Exile of Israel and the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash (events which are themselves a prophetic picture of the death of the Incarnate Word). The hope of Scripture (including II Chronicles and Ezekiel) is that Dovid's great Son the King Moshiach would raise up a Beis Hamikdash worthy of the new holy age. His resurrection body is that Beis Hamikdash. Like Joshua, who brings the people of G-d toward their promised rest, so Shlomo the son of Dovid raises up the Beis Hamikdash and brings the people of G-d toward Messianic rest (II Chr. 22:8-9; Josh. 11:23; 21:44). Look in the Hebrew Bible at the mention of HaSatan in I Chr. 21:1. One can see why the Persian King Cyrus is called "Moshiach" in Isa. 45:1, since he undertakes to cause the Beis Hamikdash to be rebuilt. He is also mentioned climactically at the end of II Chronicles, showing G-d's sovereign hand in the affairs of the people He is saving. I CHRONICLES 17:13 I will be a Father to Him, and He shall be a Son to Me... I CHRONICLES 21:17-18 17. And Dovid said unto G-d, Is it not I that commanded the people to benumbered? even I it is that have sinned and done evil indeed: but as for these sheep, what have they done? let thine hand, I pray thee, O L-rd my G-d, be on me, and on my father's house; but not on thy people, that they should be plagued. 18. Then the angel of the L-rd commended Gad to say to David, that Dovid should go up, and set up an altar unto the L-rd in the threshing floor of Oman the Jebusite. II CHRONICLES 6:10 Now the L-rd has fulfilled his word that he promised; for I have succeeded my father Dovid, and sit on the throne of Israel, as the L-rd promised, and have built the house for the name of the L-rd, the G-d of Israel. Isn't it time to come back to your spiritual home? PRAY THIS PRAYER AND THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER. NOW READ THE WHOLE MEGILLAH here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here See the ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE. SEE YESHUA IN AN AUTHENTIC ORTHODOX JEWISH MAHZOR THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE IS AN ENGLISH VERSION.READ ABOUT MEN THAT ARE MORE FREE AND RICHER THAN BILLIONAIRE BILL GATES. 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